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NEWS.SOHU.COM  2004年12月01日17:37  来源:人民网
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  Decr 2nd, 2004Morning SessionChaired by Mr. Ren Yong,DeputyDirector of Policy Research Center for Environment andEconomy ofSEPAOpening9:00~9:05 Introduction of distinguishedguests9:05~9:10Remarks by Mr. Ye Ruqiu, State Council Advisor,Counselor of SEPAof China9:10~9:15 Opening remarks by Ms. MarciaAronoff, VicePresident of Environmental Defense9:15~9:20 Remarks byMs. DeborahSeligsohn, Environment, Science, Technology and HealthOfficer, USEmbassy BeijingSubject 1 Environmental Issues andStrategy9:20~9:45Presentation by Ms. Marcia Aronoff, Vice Presidentof EnvironmentalDefense9:45~10:10 Presentation by Mr. Tu Ruihe,Department ofInternational Cooperation of SEPA10:10~10:30Presentation by Mr. HuTao/Ms. Tian Chunxiu, Policy Research Centerfor Environment andEconomy of SEPA10:30~10:50 Tea break

  Taking Group-Photo In front of the Grand BuildingSubject 2Climateand Air Pollution10:50~11:15 Presentation by Mr. Daniel J.Dudek,Chief Economist of Environmental Defense11:15~11:40Presentation byMr. Ren Zhenhai, Senior Fellow and Academician ofChinese Academy ofEngineering, Chinese Research Academy ofEnvironmentalSciences11:40~12:05 Presentation by Mr. Zhou Dadi/Mr. Xu Huaqing,Energy Research Institute, National Developmentand ReformCommission12:05~12:30 Q & A & DiscussionsLunchBuffet lunch,in the Yangshi Hall, the first floor of the GrandBuildingAfternoonSessionSigning CeremonyChaired by Mr. Wang Ming,Associate Dean,School of Public Policy & Management,TsinghuaUniversity13:30~13:35 Speech by Mr. Li Yong, DeputyDirectorGeneral of Bureau of NGOs Administration of the Ministry ofCivilAffairs.13:35~13:40 Speech by Ms. Marcia Aronoff, VicePresident ofEnvironmental Defense13:40~13:45 Speech by Mr. WangYue, Chairmanof China Association for NGO Cooperation13:45~13:50MOU signingbetween Environmental Defense &CANGOSubject3Ecosystems13:50~14:15 Presentation by Ms. MelindaTaylor,ProgramManager of Environmental Defense14:15~14:40Presentation by Mr.Wang Song/Ms. Xie Yan, China Council forInternational Cooperationon Environment and Development14:40~15:05Q & A &DiscussionsSubject4 Oceans15:05~15:30 Presentationby Mr. DouglasN. Rader, Scientist of EnvironmentalDefense15:30~15:45 Teabreak15:45~16:10 Presentation by Mr. SuYibing/ Ms. Lie Kun,Chinese Research Academy of EnvironmentalSciences16:10~16:35 Q& A & DiscussionsSubject5Environmental Protection andHuman Health16:35~17:00 Presentation byMr. John M. Balbus and Mr.Andrew Darrell, EnvironmentalDefense17:00~17:25 Presentation byMr. Pan Xiaochuan, School ofPublic Health, PekingUniversity17:25~17:50 Q & A&DiscussionsConclusion17:50~17:55 Mr. Chen Jian,InternationalTechnology and Economy Institute, DRC17:55~18:00 Mr.Daniel J.Dudek, Chief Economist of Environmental Defense18:00~18:05Mr.Haoming Huang, Executive Director of China Ass ociation forNGOCooperation18:05~18:10 Mr. Hu Tao, Policy Research CenterforEnvironment and Economy of SEPA6:30 CocktailPartyFriday’sRestaurant, Friendship HotelHosted by EnvironmentalDefense

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