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免费最经典的幽默小段子 掌握第一手军事情报

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  Name of Entry:Do you remember me?

  Country of Production:Germany/Thailand

  Running Time:01:00:40 h

  Commentary Language:English subtitles

  Year of Production:2004

  Date of First Release:July 2005

  Author:Alexander Heuken & Michaela Liechteenstein

  Company of Production:Gizago Film-und Fernsehproduktion

  Brief Synopsis:“Do you remember me?” tells the story of the Thai-mother Amnuy, who has to make the hard decision between keeping her youngest daughter or giving her away to save the child's life. Amnuy and her family live separated from everybody else in a small village in the Northeast of Thailand. Nobody frequents their once-flourishing shop anymore. Impoverished and mentally disturbed the family survives on their last small savings. As they run out of money, all they can do is escape. In this situation, the parents meet the German Karl Morsbach. The former manager is building up a new village. For Amnuy and her family the meeting of Karl Morsbach means hope for the very first time. But suddenly, the whole family disappears. The questions “why?” and “where?” receive many answers. On the search for Amnuy and her family and during the quest for the true reason for their disappearance, the documentary once more leads the viewer on a journey to the North-East. There, we are with Amnuy when she has to make the hardest decision in her life. The documentary accompanies Amnuy and her family for two years on their odyssey. During this long time an intense and trustful relationship established. Amnuy speaks frankly about her life and her feelings.

  C.V. of Director(s):After many TV news-features and the collaboration on various documentary series, “Do you remember me?” is the first documentary produced solely by Alexander Heuken and Michaela Liechtenstein. Alexander Heuken - German, born 1977 in Düsseldorf, Germany - Reporter for the “German Television-News Agency” - TV-features for the news-channel n-tv from Austria, Switzerland and during the Kosovo conflict from Macedonia Michaela Liechtenstein - born 1969 in Vienna, Nationality: Liechtenstein - M.A. Political Sciences and History - TV-features for n-tv from Berlin - co-author of part three of the series “Holokaust” by Guido Knopp, ZDF - collaboration on the series “Auschwitz, The Nazis and The Final Solution” , BBC 2005



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