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  内容简介:云南省永胜县的三川坝是滇西北的“米粮仓”,这里的每个村子都有留居娘家终生不嫁的“吃斋”女儿,她们自称为“贞女”,当地人则把她们尊称为“斋姑娘”。家中留居“斋姑娘”是当地百姓五百多年来推崇的积德修行、发达家族的善举,对所留之女选拔十分严格,必须是身体健康、容貌清秀、贤淑善良、心灵手巧之人。女儿家一旦成为“斋姑娘”,即是持家主事之人,为父母养老送终,将弟妹抚育成人。这个特殊的群落在民国初年风气最盛时约有3000多人,如今健在者还有200多人。 “斋姑娘”不仅是极具地域色彩的独特风习,也是中华民族婚俗史上罕见的文化现象。纪录片《斋姑娘》对这一行将消亡的人文资源进行了抢救性的记录,真实、客观、细致入微地展示出这一特殊群落的生存状态和心路历程。该片播出后在观众和业内人士中引起强烈反响。




  Name of Entry: Vegetarian Girls

  Country of Production:China

  Running Time:29′30″

  Commentary Language:Chinese and English

  Year of Production:2003

  Date of First Release:29/12/2003

  Author:Lei Lu、Ya Fang

  Technical Advisor:Lei Lu

  Company of Production: Kunming TV station

  Brief synopsis: Located in Yongsheng county of Yunnan province is the fertile land of San Chuan Ba, known as the granary of northwest Yunnan province. In every village in the area, there is a girl who remains single and lives in her parents house all her life. They call themselves “chaste girls” but the locals call them “vegetarian girls”. Keeping a “vegetarian girl” at home has been a local custom for over 500 years. Local people believe this is a good way of accumulating merit and prosperous for the family. The selection of a “vegetarian girl” is therefore very strictly controlled. The chosen girl must be healthy, pretty, kind and clever. Once chosen to stay at home, the girl becomes the head of the family who will see her parents to their deaths and bring up her brothers and sisters. “Vegetarian girls” are similar to “self hair comb girls” from Guangdong province who remain single all their life, except they don’t gather and live together like the “self hair comb girls”. Apart from on the first and fifteenth day of each lunar month, “vegetarian girls” are allowed to eat meat. In their language, the pronunciation of “meat eating” and its meaning are similar to “getting married”. The real taboo is not eating meat but getting married. The customs of “vegetarian girls” originated during the Ming Dynasty at the end of the 14th century and was extinguished in the middle of the 20th century while Chinese society went through great historical reforms. With a population of 3,000 people, this unique community reached its peak at the birth of the Republic of China. Today there are only about 200 survivors. After the New China was founded, the government showed great respect to local customs and allowed the “vegetarian girls” to maintain their own way of living. However given liberation, independence, freedom and equality, none of the San Chuan Ba girl wanted to be a “vegetarian girl”. The film portrays a unique local custom and reveals a rare cultural phenomenon in the history of the Chinese national marriage culture. The documentary “Vegetarian Girls” is a record of this dying humanistic resource. It faithfully and objectively depicts, in great detail, the experiences of life and thoughts of this special community. It created very deep repercussions amongst audiences and the film industry after it was released.

  Director(s):Lei Lu

  CV’s of Directors: A producer, writer and director at Kunming TV station, Lei Lu is 51 years old Han national. He is an undergraduate and has been awarded a senior editor title. His work experience began in March 1969 as a printer and machine-manufacturing worker. For 23 years, he has been working in Yunnan Radio and Television systems and has produced over 20 award winning films, which have won more than 30 national, provincial, and municipal awards. His major documentary films include “Our River”, “Vegetarian Girls”, “Secrets of Duck Farming in Yiliang” and “Step Into Kunming” and TV dramas “An Imperial Officer on a Thin Horse”, “Legend of Water Splashing Festival”; and CD’s “Selection of Huangmei Opera”, “Sacrificial Offerings of the Long Sword”, “Frontline Diary”.

  A writer and director from Kunming TV station, Ya Fang is 47 years old with a bachelors degree. She started her career in 1979 and has worked as a printer and a teacher. Her television career started in 1988. She has produced many films that were awarded prizes at national, provincial and municipal level. “Vegetarian Girls”, “Century Old Picture”, “Step Into Kunming” and “A Mother and Her Fourteen Daughters” are her major productions to date.



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