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时间:2006年07月26日15:17 我来说两句  



















  (女播音员) 想不到练法轮功还有驱蚊效应,这下买蚊香的钱也可以省下了。能有人信他的话吗?

    (男播音员) 更加离奇而值得重视的是,李洪志到处宣扬练功后产生的广泛社会效益。





  (录像,李洪志)我这是在往高层次带大家,真正讲修炼的东西,哪个气功师讲修炼啦。就说这些东西呀,你即使是好的,也只不过是炼气。但很难知道它好与坏,很多东西都不好。我们有些学员一翻开,他看那个书,一翻开说,哎,这句话说得挺对,好家伙,这就是接受。这脑袋一想,这句话说的挺对。一条大蟒就出来, 那个字变成大蟒,一下子出来,就给他盘上了,他想让它摆脱,喊着我的名子……,就是说这些事情啊,是很复杂的。末法时期,人类社会已经相当地复杂,相当地乱套,相当地败坏,最好别接触这些东西。

  (男播音员) 这完全是用“麻胡子”来恐吓三岁小孩的伎俩。李洪志禁止学员接触的,绝不仅限于其它功法和宗教。他要在意识形态中树立自己独一无二的权威,把学员的思想统统变成法轮功独占的禁地。我们在调查中发现,许多学员家中连政治、科技书籍都要清除干净。






















  Critical Comments On Li Hongzhi's "Scripture" (Part 5)

  The Strange Tales and Absurd Rules of Falun Gong

  MALE COMMENTATOR: A middle-age man, good for nothing, idling, came up with this idea: being a super-conman is much profitable than stealing or robbing. He then collects tips and bits from all popular qigong practice, and infuses it with “bring people up to the high level.” From then on, the evil winds of Falun Gong spread quickly among the mass.

  Video of Li Hongzhi: The Falun of our Falun gong, ah, is cultivating in such a big thing as the universe, so this Falun is the image of the universe.

  Video of Li Hongzhi: Let me tell you, the Falun is more valuable than your life, it is a high-level form of life.

  Video of Li Hongzhi: Because this way to cultivate is extremely complicated, in the other space (universe), its evolutions are very intricate. Everyone knows something about the parts of the television, watch, those precision parts, and considers them to be precise. I tell you that it is more precise and intricate than those many times.

    FEMALE COMMENTATOR: Had not been limited by his education, Li Hongzhi may have come up many other words to promote Falun Gong.

    MALE COMMENTATOR: As to the wonderful results from practicing Falun Gong, Li Hongzhi still feels that some vivid examples are best to deceive people.

    Video of Li Hongzhi: Of course, Fashen, Yuanying (the primordial spirit), those we have not said much yet. We can cultivate a baby (yinghai) there. Those are life forms, born out of Dantian positions, very mischievous, about this size. Some are a bit bigger. Anyway, they jump here and there, very mischievous. Some of our students may have seen then, (they) made out a motorcycle out of Falun, two Falun’s, used the two Falun’s as wheels. In the middle, it transformed, into, something like a motorcycle. Some grabbing hair, running around, back and forth. They came in through a slide, and skidded down to there. Anyway, you feel uncomfortable here? Anyway, we know that they are mischievous.

  FEMALE COMMENTATOR: This shows a typical symptom of a hallucinating bipolar patient. Li Hongzhi says once this disciple has practiced into the fulfillment stage (three flowers on head), and that has cultivated a Yuanying from the abdomen. As to the celestial eyes, it is an easy dish.

  Video of Li Hongzhi: A young man, about 30, he said, when I sat down, I saw the Amida Buddha, and Lao Zi. Amida Buddha sat there, Lao Zi sat here. They looked at him, silent, then, disappeared. As soon as they disappeared, in between them, there appeared an image of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Guan Yin was holding her bottle, a smoke flew out. It changed into several Feitian (flying) beauties.

  FEMALE COMMENTATOR: From our interviews (of the Falun Gong practitioners), except that one anxious student drew an eye on the forehead, there was none who had celestial eyes. Let us see another little side benefits of Falun Gong.

  Video of Li Hongzhi: When you are practicing, the karma of your life radiates out. When it leaves, do you know how dirty your blood is? Do you know that the mosquitoes are sucking out the dirty things from your body? If you are a good practitioner, when you see mosquitoes not flying towards you, but biting the people around you, but not you.

  FEMALE COMMENTATOR: It is beyond imagination that Falun Gong functions as mosquito expellants, saving the mosquito expellant incense. Can anyone believe his words?

  MALE COMMENTATOR: Strange but worthy of notice, Li Hongzhi claims there is wide spread social benefits from Falun Gong.

  Video of Li Hongzhi: When I hosted the lecture classes in Wuhan, several students came to Wuhan for the lessons. There were several students in a factory. After they learned the Gong, went back, these several people, worked. Before that, the factory (performed poorly), now the spirit and outlook of the factory, people, ah, fear instability. So, these, as usually, the enterprises were not making profits. Many causes. These people worked, but did not work well, the quality of the product deteriorated, so the profits got worse. These few students went back, not only taught others to practices the Gong, but also worked hard in the factory, early in and late out. Yes, never before, it completely changed from the past. These few people worked, and motivated the whole factory’s spirit.

  FEMALE COMMENTATOR: Based on our investigation, all these stories are fabricated. This reveals a bigger plot (of Li’s). When our economy is going through transformation, the society is working on solutions for the under-performing enterprises, Li Hongzhi wanted a part in it, saying that his Falun Gong was the only solution to these enterprises. This is simply a joke.

  MALE COMMENTATOR: On the contrary, if all in a factory practice Falun Gong, everyone comes in late and leaves early, staying up late, crossing legs, reciting Sutra, wishing to become a Buddha; one would take productivity and profit-seeking as normal people’s addition. There will be no pie falling from the sky.

  FEMALE COMMENTATOR: A very striking contrast of Falun Da is that it forbids reading any other schools of thoughts outside of Li Hongzhi’s sutra.

  Video of Li Hongzhi: I am here bringing the people to the high level, truly practicing. Those qigong master’s practicing, saying these things, even if you are a good one, you are only cultivating the qi. But it is also hard to tell if it is good or bad, many are not good. Some of our students open a book, he looks at it, opening, hey, this sentence is quite right. Goodness! It is acceptance. The mind thinks: this sentence is quite right, a huge python jumps out. The words turn into a python, constricting him. He tried to shake it off, calling my name…, this is to say, things are complicated. In the age of the dharma-ending, the human society is quite complicated, and quite disorganized, quite corrupt. You’d better not touch these things.

  wheel spinning up. Like that, that means you don’t have to suffer the retribution for the bad things you did.

  MALE COMMENTATOR: Li Hongzhi has made it as clearly as he could: diseases are the karma that you owe, can only be repaid by drops and bits, lives after lives by the practitioner. He then plays another old trick by fabricating revivals, and recoveries of many practitioners.

  Video of Li Hongzhi: Everyone knows among the disciples of Falun Gong, many are of old age, this happens quickly, a few days after the class, there are physiological changes. Gradually, one, two months later, the changes must take place. The skin is smooth, white, and little pink with white, and feel smooth. I can withhold what I don’t want to say, but it must be truth when I say it. And this older people, old women will have their menstrual periods restored, some take some time. This you should not rush (be anxious).

  FEMALE COMMENTATOR: This is really miraculous. Simply from the cosmetic demands, Falun Gong is cheaper than buying the cosmetics. Li Hongzhi cleverly understands the human desires. This kind of nonsense is everywhere (in Li’s speeches). When some of the students who practice hard but nonetheless get sick, how could Li Hongzhi explain? The word Karma is the most frequently used word in Falun gong. According to Li Hongzhi, diseases are caused by karma, and suffering from disease is to eliminate karma.

  Video of Li Hongzhi: When squeezed, squeezed into the head, you feel headache, like hypertension, feeling stuffed. But it is not disease. Someone asked me, this matter today, that matter the other day, there are many conditions arising from practicing, if you treat them as disease, as bad things, how can I explain to you? Thousands and tens of thousands of conditions, thousands and tens of thousands of forms, these discomforting conditions appear, right? You take them as disease, how can you cultivate in the future?

  Video of Li Hongzhi: So some people have different reactions. Some may have diarrhea, some vomiting. Especially in the South, in some areas people eat many things, live, living, everything. So the stomach has accumulated all the spirits, and some not so good things, quite numerous. They (the symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting) are purifying you. This is the reaction. In the North, such reactions are fewer. More in the South. Right, stomach, intestines, internal organs have to be cleansed. So you have this felling. Some vomit without diarrhea, some diarrhea without vomits. Possible. There may be many types of reactions. Some have excretes that are black, simply black blood clots, like festering matters, like festers, right. Some vomit out such things. Anyway, many types of reactions, right, but all are good things (to happen).

  MALE COMMENTATOR: It is obvious these people are suffering from diseases that cause vomiting blood, and stool bleeding, and (Li claims) that is a good thing. Everyone knows that it is important to seek early treatment. However, since every symptom is to eliminate karma, getting diseases is not a suffering but a blessing. Many people believed in Li Hongzhi’s words, refused seeking treatment, missed good opportunities for medical care. A minor discomfort developed into major diseases, and leading to deaths.

  FEMALE COMMENTATOR: As many of these shocking evidences are reported, Li Hongzhi started to deny that he forbids followers to seek medical care and medication. However, these are his golden words that could be heard everywhere.

  Video of Li Hongzhi: This is a test of your belief, whether you can continue to cultivate to the last. Some people, ah, when they felt discomfort, ran into the hospital for treatment. Some went there for injections, and twisted the needles, they could not penetrate (the skin). He understood, ah, I am a practitioner, I won’t need the injection. This he finally understood. But some people, about this, we are talking about these things, this, especially older women, she cannot hold on at this critical point. Ah, I am suffering, I cannot hold on. I this, and that gong, I want to save my life. I tell you, you are saved only because you practiced, otherwise, you should have died long time ago.

  Video of Li Hongzhi: This could not be treated with medication. If you take medication, you are feeling that cultivating is not in your heart. Uncertain, you are not treating yourself as a practitioner. This is the reason. If you don’t take yourself as a practitioner, how can we treat you as a practitioner?

  MALE COMMENTATOR: Can Li Hongzhi deny this? Many innocent and pitiable practitioners were scared. When Master Li and his daughter all had appendix removals and claimed medical expenses, his disciples followed through the rule that forbid medication, many died in vain.

  FEMALE COMMENTATOR: The average human life expectancy has been doubled in the past one hundred years, benefited from modern medical sciences. Many Chinese could not afford medical treatment in the past, now Master Li prohibits practitioners from seeking medical care. If the victim heals, it is his credit, otherwise, it is the victim’s fault. Li Hongzhi, with this, violates the right to health and life of those followers who support him financially, depriving them the right to enjoy the fruit from modern medical sciences.

  MALE COMMENTATOR: If mal-practicing doctors did so by ignorance in rare occasions, Falun Gong does so with intent and targeting a large population. To may victims who fell into the devious teaching, Li Hongzhi is the murderer. He will be brought to justice and law at the end.

  FEMALE COMMENTATOR: When we briefly ran through many deeds and words of Li Hongzhi’s, we felt nauseating and indignation. Such a foolish clown dared to lay waste in the sacred halls of philosophy, social and natural sciences, and trampled without inhibition, with voluminous publications; it is an insult to humanity and civilization.

  MALE COMMENTATOR: Maybe we feel Li Hongzhi’s words are ridiculous. But this is a bitter and labored feeling. Why there are such fools running wild in China at the end of the 20th century of civilization? We must be alert, and reflect.

  FEMALE COMMENTATOR: Con artists have their intents, but history is fair. Today, in China, Falun Gong has been uprooted, and destroyed. But we must treat the root cause while taking care of the symptoms. Ridding the soil that bear Falun Gong and many types of feudal superstitions is a long and difficult task.

  MALE COMMENTATOR: The old tunes will be reused, and the fight is not over. We must use Li Hongzhi as a counter-teacher, to clean up thoroughly the spiritual epidemics of Falun Dafa and their likes, so that they will never reappear in China.


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