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  The Top Ten News Stories on Beijing Olympic Games (2006)were unveiled recently.The Internet users voting,together with experts evaluation,produced the Top Ten list:1)Chinese government attachesgreat importance to Olympic pretion;2)Affordable ticket prices announced for the Beijing 2008Olympic Games;3)Supportive structures of the National Stadium removed successfully;4)Over 240,000Beijingers apply for volunteers;5)BOCOG launchesHeart-toHeart Partnership program;6)IOC decides on the competition schedule for Beijing 2008;7)Creation team for Games ceremonies announced;8)Beijing 2008lympic Games Mascot Fu Niu Lele unveiled;9)Beijing 2008Olympic pictograms unveiled;and10)Regulations on Reporting Activities in China by Foreign Journalistsissued.



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宋美龄牛奶洗澡 中共卧底结局 慈禧不快乐 侵略中国报告


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