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  微软表示,Windows Vista当中集成的DirectX10API,从底层为游戏玩家提供丰富、难以置信的图形细节体验。消费者可以在CES2007微软的Windows展区,看到多款DX10游戏搭配NVIDIAGeForce8800运行。微软现场演示的DX10游戏demo有《Age of Conan:HyborianAdventures》(开发商:EidosInteractive/Funcom)、《Crysis》(开发商:EAPartners/Crytek)。

  微软表示,现场演示的DX10游戏demo使用到新的Windows Vista显示驱动程序模式和ShaderModel4.0着色模式。DX10让游戏开发者有工具研发让人惊讶的逼真游戏环境和发挥最新显卡的最大潜能。

  微软公布的Windows Portfolio游戏名单如下,这些游戏支持WindowsVista版本和Xbox360版本之间的玩家连网对战,排名,通迅和id选择等等:

  * Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures(EidosInteractive/Funcom)

  * Age of Empires? III: The Warchiefs (MicrosoftGameStudios/EnsembleStudios)

  * Alan Wake (Microsoft Game Studios/Remedy)

  * BioShock (2K Games/Irrational Games)

  * Company of Heroes (THQ Inc./Relic Entertainment)

  * Crysis (EA Partners/Crytek)

  * Disney-Pixars Ratatouille (THQ/Heavy Iron Studios)

  * Flight Simulator X (Microsoft Game Studios/ACES Studio)

  * Frontlines: Fuels of War (THQ/Kaos Studios(TM))

  * Halo 2 (Microsoft Game Studios/Bungie Studios)

  * Hellgate: London (EA Partners/NAMCO BANDAIGames/FlagshipStudios)

  * LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy(LucasArts/TTGames)

  * Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar(Midway/TurbineInc.)

  * Marvel Universe Online (Microsoft GameStudios/CrypticStudios)

  * Rail Simulator (EA Partners/Kuju Entertainment)

  * Shadowrun (Microsoft Game Studios/FASA Studio)

  * Supreme Commander (THQ/Gas Powered Games)

  * World in Conflict (SierraEntertainment/MassiveEntertainment)

  * Zoo Tycoon? 2: Extinct Animals (Microsoft GameStudios/BlueFang Games)

  * Zoo Tycoon 2: Marine Mania? (Microsoft Game Studios/BlueFangGames)

  * Zoo Tycoon 2: Zookeeper Collection (MicrosoftGameStudios/Blue Fang Games)
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