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Yao Ming Leads Forbes China Again

  The brand new 2007Forbes Chinese Celebrity Listwas unveiled to the world this Monday,on the 4thanniversary of Forbes operations,analyzing Chinese celebrities income and overall rankings through detailed information.The current NBA Houston star Yao Ming topped thelistwith an unlleled income of 260million RMB.In thecultural field,Zhang Yimou led in the overall ranking,although his income just ranked the 4thonthe list,and the champion in terms of income goes to pianist Lang Lang,earning 150millionRMB.



  Comparedtolastyears list,the income of listed celebrities on this years Forbesshowsageneral increase.The upper class music and folk arts market are flourishing.remarked Zhang Xiaohua,the Marketing Director of Forbes magazine Chinese edition,in response to the phenomenal incomeofthecultural celebrities such as Yi Zhongtian,Lang Lang,etc.


  Representing the overall assessment of commercial values and influences of celebrities from cultural,entertainment and sports circles,the list reflects ups and downs of their prestige,social status and activity in the past year.

  福布斯榜所体现的是对文化、娱乐以及体育界名人商业价值和影响力的综合评估,反映的是他们在过去一年里的声望跌涨、身价起落以及活跃程度。 -ByZhaoLixia

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