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新闻中心 > 国内新闻 > 2007年全国两会-“华素片特约” > 两会动态




  1958.09—1963.09 太原工学院机械系机械制造专业学习

  1963.09--1966.06 辽宁省丹东汽车改装厂设备动力科、技术科


  1966.06—1970.03 辽宁省丹东汽车改装厂中等技术学校教导主任

  1970.03—1981.03 辽宁省丹东汽车改装厂技术科副科长、科长

  1981.03--1982.10 辽宁省丹东电视机配件厂引进办公室副主任,企业管理办公室主任

  1982.10--1983.04 辽宁省丹东电视机配件厂厂长

  1983.04--1984.12 辽宁省丹东市副市长

  1984.12--1985.07 辽宁省对外经济贸易委员会主任、党组书记

  1985.07—1989.12 辽宁省省长助理兼省对外经济贸易委员会主任、党组书记

  1989.12--1992.12 陕西省副省长(其间:1991.05—1991.11兼省政府秘书长)

  1992.12--1993.06 陕西省委常委、副省长(其间:1993.03—1993.05中央党校学习)

  1993.06--1994.08 对外贸易经济合作部副部长、党组副书记

  1994.08--1995.02 江苏省委副书记、副省长、代省长

  1995.02--1998.08 江苏省委副书记、省长

  1998.08—1999.12 国家经济贸易委员会副主任、党组成员(正部长级)

  1999.12--2003.03 中央企业工委副书记(正部长级)

  2003.03--2005.07 劳动和社会保障部部长,党组书记

  2005.07-- 全国政协人口环境资源委员会副主任委员



















  Resume of Zheng Silin

  Mr. Zheng Silin, a native of Jiangsu province and an engineer,wasborn in 1940. He graduated from Mechanical EngineeringDepartment ofTaiyuan Institute of Technology in Shanxi province.He is ViceChairman of the Committee of Population, Resources andEnvironmentof the CPPCC National Committee.

  He was director of Dandong TV Set Components Factory inLiaoningprovince, Vice Mayor of Dandong, director of Economic andForeignTrade Commission of Liaoning, Assistant Governor ofLiaoning, ViceGovernor of Shaanxi province, Vice Minister ofForeign Trade andEconomic Cooperation, Governor of Jiangsuprovince, DeputySecretary of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee,Vice Minister ofState Economic and Trade Commission, Minster ofLabor and SocialSecurity.

  Resume of Pan Guiyu

  Born in Hunan province in 1946, Ms. Pan Guiyu graduatedfromBeijing Normal University. She is Standing Committee Mr andDeputySecretary General of the CPPCC National Committee, ViceChairman ofthe Central Committee of the China Association forPromotingDemocracy, Vice Minister of the National Population andFamilyPlanning Commission, Executive Vice President of the ChinaFamilyPlanning Association.

  She was Assistant Director of Education Department ofChangshaCity Government of Hunan province, Vice Mayor ofChangsha,Assistant Governor and Vice Governor of Hunan province.She wasdeputy of the 8th and 9th National People’s Congress.

  She attaches great importance to investigation and study, andisactive in making proposals. She is major compiler of severalbooksthemed China’s reproductive culture, marriage andreproductiveopinion, publicity and education of the work ofpopulation andfamily planning in new stage.

  Resume of Li Baoku

  Mr. Li Baoku is Mr of the CPPCC National Committee, presidentofthe China Aging Development Foundation, General Counsel ofChinaOld People’s Art Troupe. He was Vice Minister of CivilAffairs.

  During his time as Vice Minister of Civil Affairs, Mr. Li wasincharge of construction of power organs and community atgrassrootslevel. Since 2001, he has established the China AgingDevelopmentFoundation, organized education campaign for respecting,loving andsupporting the old.

  Mr. Li made a proposal advocating for carrying out the projectofproviding professional nursing for senior citizens, whicharousedstate leaders’ attention and was adopted in the EleventhFive-YearPlan. He participated in investigation and study organizedby theCPPCC National Committee on community services, centersprotectionof the old and service for the old in urban areas. He hasmade twoproposals in this session as follows: Listing Stories ofRespectingSenior Citizens in Textbooks of Kindergartens, PrimaryandSecondary Schools; Conducting Research on Levying TaxonInheritance.

  Resume of Li Weixiong

  Mr. Li Weixiong is Mr of the CPPCC National Commitee,ViceChairman of the Committee of Population, Resources andEnvironmentof the CPPCC National Committee. He is also professorand tutor ofPhD candidates of the Science and Technology ResearchInstitute ofthe National Population and Family PlanningCommission.

  Mr. Li has since 1998 participated in all investigation andstudyon population organized by the Committee of Population,Resourcesand Environment of the CPPCC National Committee.

  In 2001, Mr. Li publicized his ideas that population is stillakey factor impacting on China’s sustainable development in the21stcentury, that control of the size of population and improvementofpopulation quality shall be taken into consideration in effortstodevelop western region, etc. In 2004, he made a speech oncheckinggender imbalance in the 2nd plenary session of the CPPCCNationalCommittee. He conducted investigation and study in NingxiaUygurAutonomous Region respectively in 2001 and 2005, leadingtoincorporation of Project of Having Fewer Children andProsperingQuicker in the 11th Five-year Plan of China and theProject is nowin operation in western regions.

  In 2005, Mr. Li wrote an article titled Assuring SeniorCitizensof Happy Life. In 2006, he conducted investigation andstudy inBeijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Shandong on problems facedby theold people. Later, he advocated in his report thatresponsibilitiesof government, society, family and individuals bemade clear toaddress the problems faced by the old, integratedsystem ofsupporting the old in both urban and rural areas begraduallyestablished, etc.

  Resume of Yang Kuifu

  Mr. Yang Kuifu is Vice Chairman of the Committee ofPopulation,Resources and Environment of CPPCC National Committee.He was ViceMinister of the State Family Planning Commission.

  Mr. Yang has made proposals, advocating for same retirement ageofmale and female civil servants, making suggestion on theimprovementof the work of assuring eligible farmers in difficultyof food,clothing, housing, medical care, etc. In this session, hemade aproposal, suggesting that the Rural Association for the Oldbeestablished.

  In the 4th Plenary Session of the CPPCC National Committeein2006, he submitted a written speech on actively addressingtheproblem of the population aging and on the problem ofsupportingrural senior citizens in this session.

  He participated in investigation and study on the populationagingorganized by the Committee of Population, Resources andEnvironmentof the CPPCC National Committee in 2005 and on theproblems faced byrural senior citizens.

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