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Language Doctor Q



  Question:Ihave aquestion about the English tense. Maybe someone here can point me in the center direction. Look at the following example,which is better English:

  A. I had blood test done last week. The result came back today, which shows that I am OK and healthy.

  B. I had blood test done last week. The result came back today, which showed that I was OK and healthy.

  Answer: I think they are both acceptable, but one might be more appropriate than the other depending up on the context of the sentence and discussion.For instance If I was still holding the result and just finished reading it, or explaining the result to someone while holding it, I would say “shows.”Later, when having the same conversation, but having already seen the result, I would say“showed.”B might also be the more suit able if you were healthy, for which the blood test result provided evidence, but now you arent healthy.

  Question:Which is better, to learn English from an English native speaker or a Chinese English teacher?

  Answer:At the end of the day, it doesnt matter the most important success factor in leaning is the learner. You might have a very good teacher, either native speaker or Chinese, but if the learner doesnt apply good learning habits, doesnt revise and most importantly doesnt practice, the teacher cant create any miracles. As I said before, practice, listen & learn, make notes, revise your notes regularly, increase your notes (I love using mind-maps to help increase my vocabulary, it helps me organise this in subject specific topics, that helps me remr the new words).

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