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  Cheng Tieliang

  photo manager, Beijing Youth Photo center

  Visiting Professor, Capital University of Economics and Business

  Professor, Beijing photography Correspondence College, China Photographers Association

  Education Background:Graduated from Beijing Film Academy photography department major photography

  Research interest:News photography

  The Innovation and Development of Sports Visual Communication

  CHEN Tieliang

  The birth and progress of photography let people feel the strength of instant images, when people can frame a dynamic moment in one of a thousand seconds, and can appreciate it; it brings in people despair and surprise. Sports Photography is combination of the photographic technique and artistic expression. In traditional photography technology operation, the evaluation system of values different, and people put more attention on the technology of instant grasping, in other words, the value system of identity put more value on pictures which are very difficult to focus, motor speed, instantaneous mapping completed. For a photographer, this is not an easy thing to do. Despite the past remote transmission technology means that the technical quality images greatly reduced, but this does not affect photographers’ pursuit of the technique. Until the emergence of multi-point auto-focus camera, the tablet system enables fast continuous shooting into reality. The using of stabilizing function of the lens, and a series of technological advances, makes sports photography evaluation system which values the technique change a lot. Digital transmission technology advances make a revolutionary impact to the sports photography. Sports Photography started to pay more attention to the diversity of artistic expression means. Remote control technology also makes photographer use a multi-angle shooting into reality. In the Digital mobile multimedia era, sports photography interactive greatly enhanced. In the future, sports photography will be more broken down into more ways to adapt to the need of market (readers).

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