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  XUE Wenting

  Education Background:PhD. student of Radio and Television Journalism in Communication University of China;

  Master Degree in Beijing Broadcasting Institution

  Research Interests:History of Journalism, Sports Journalism

  Main Publications:Reviewing for the Olympic Reports of Chinese Print Media in 100 Years; The Theory and Practice of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games; The Cultural Analysis of the Modern Chinese Sports Report; The Simple Analysis of Taste Modality of Sports Report; The General Analysis of Sports Tragedy Report; The Analysis for the Olympic Reporting of ShenPao Newspaper before 1949

  Centennial Development and Vicissitudes of Chinese Olympic Media

  XUE Wenting

  Since the day modern Olympic movement was born, it has always been attached to media. Chinese Olympic media originated from 1908 or so. Between 1908 to 2088, it indicates a history both of China ‘s being weak to prosperous and the unceasing transition of Chinese Olympic media .During the century,. Chinese Olympic media experienced several stages from the Press Media, Broadcasting Media, TV Media, Internet Media to Cellphone Media. It is of no doubt that the Press Media is the most stable and everlasting Olympic Media. Dates back to the 1936 London Olympics ,a number of the Chinese Press Media set special column and printed sheet to give a comprehensive Olympic report. Moreover, after the establishment of People’s Republic of China in 1949, the Chinese Press Media enjoyed more brilliant achievement. The earliest Chinese Olympic broadcast is the <>of the Kuomintang(KMT)’s Central Broadcasting Station. But the the influence of radio program was limited in that period.. However, after 1949, Olympic Broadcast has been breaking out the siege of powerful media ,searching its own way to develop. Since Chinese TV Media participated in the Olympic news report in 1984, its characteristic of audio-visual and simultaneous transmission matches the feature of dramatization and conflict of Olympic Game very well. No other media could shake its strong status in Olympic Media Communication. Internet Media and Cellphone Media made themselves conspicuous in the 2000 Sydney Olympics and 2004 Athens Olympics as newly emerged media, showing their infinite potential capacity.

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