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  QIAN Haihong

  Associate Prof. in Fudan University; General Secretary of Research Center of International Public Relationship in Fudan University

  Education Background:PhD. of Journalism in Fudan University

  Research Interests:International Public Relationship

  Main Publications:The Report of Public Relationship Development in China during 2005-2006

  In A Perspective of the Olympic Games: Global Media Issue and Setting of National Soft Power

  QIAN Haihong

  As a global media issue, the Olympic Games has set a new participative model and become a national or even international ceremony. On one hand, the Olympic Games can influence the host’s national image by influencing public opinions; on the other, the 2008 Olympic Games will catch the eye of the public, occupy their leisure time and change interpersonal as well as international relations and attitudes, which is supposed to provide a moment of “mechanic unity”. Therefore, 2008 Olympic Games will play a crucial role of promoting national image, condense popular sentiment and conformity society, at the same time become the auxiliary booster of increasing China’s soft power. Environment-friendly Olympics, Technology-empowered Olympics and Culture-enriched Olympics are not only the revealing of China’s soft power, but a entirely new constructing of our soft power. Meanwhile, faced with this “hot” issue, we ought to have a “cold” thought: the promotion of people’s quality, improvement of organizational work and preparation of Olympic press fight are all the inevitable risks during construction of our soft power.

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