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  Education Background:

  PhD Candidate Dept. of Sociology, Nat’l University of Singapore (2005-present)

  MA Sociology Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines (2003)

  BA Philosophy Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines (1997)

  Research Interests:Philippines sociology, Asia sociology

  Main Publications:Culture of Improvisation: Informal Settlements and Slum Upgrading in a Metro Manila Locality. Building Institutional Capacity for Slum Upgrading in Metro Manila Modernity and the Underdevelopment of Sociological Theory in the Philippines

  The Far Eastern Games and the Development of “Asian Consciousness” in the Asia-Pacific during the Early Twentieth Century


  The Far Eastern Games, the precursor of the Asian Games was held every two years between 1914-1934. Although there were efforts to include other countries, the sport events were largely participated by China, Japan, and the Philippines. Generally, the multi-sport meet provided an opportunity for these countries to compete as well as to bond. Although serious competition and even intense politics were prevalent, the Far Eastern Games gave the participating countries a unique common ground that promoted interaction, communication and understanding.

  The concept of “Asia” has long been presented as a product of Western colonialism. Thus the concept is often construed as a Western construct that Asians themselves have only started to appreciate and criticize. Despite the long history of economic, political, and cultural interactions between various communities before the arrival of European colonial powers, the development of the perception of “Asia” as one geographical and cultural entity among the communities in the Asia-Pacific region has not been fully established. Thus it is important to go beyond the political and economic factors that, because of the emphasis on the process of colonialization, gives the picture of Asians as passive recipients of the “Asianization of Asia”. Particularly, it is interesting to explore the origins of “Asian consciousness” in the context of sport, an often-overlooked but equally significant cultural factor, which shapes the relationship between Asian states even up to the present.

  This paper will look into the various events and figures, which stood out more prominently during the stagings of the Far Eastern Games. It will explore the roles that these events and personalities played in the formation of a common identity as “Asians”. The analysis will be based on a set of data taken from the YMCA Archives at the University of Minnesota; the US National Archives, College Park, Maryland in the United States and the Rizal Library of the Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines.

  Keywords: Asian sport history sport and Asian politics sport and society

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热点标签:章子怡 春运 郭德纲 315 明星代言 何智丽 叶永烈 吴敬琏 暴风雪 于丹 陈晓旭 文化 票价 孔子 房价

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