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SOM Somuny

  SOM Somuny

  Deputy Director, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Royal Academy of Cambodia

  Education Background:St. Petersburg University, PhD in Philology

  Research Interests:Humanities and Social Sciences,Buddhist Literature

  Main Publications:Literature Criticism

  The Current Sports Events in Cambodia

  SOM Somuny

  Cambodia was independent from the French Colonial in 1953. This country had developed in peace only for 17 years after its independence. Since 1970, Cambodia has fallen into serious crisis; civil war, genocide and Vietnamese occupation were obstacles for its development of all areas.

  Cambodia competed in the Olympic Games for the first time at the 1956 Summer Olympics. But because of the situation mentioned above, Cambodia’s Olympic history has been limited to participation in the Summer Olympic Games, World Championships, Asian Games and other international competitions. From 1975 to 1995, Cambodia did not compete in five Olympic Games (Montreal-76, Moscow-80, Los Angeles-84, Seoul-88, and Barcelona-92).

  The National Olympic Committee of Cambodia was formed in 1983 and recognized by IOC in 1994. Since this recognition, Cambodia has competed at three Summer Olympics (the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, United States, the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia and the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece).

  The present situation in Cambodia is good; Cambodian people are trying to develop their country in all fields; and sports are also so interested the government policy.

  By using data gathered from the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia and the Department of Sport of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports; the paper aims to share the forum The Current Sports Events in Cambodia, the country that has a specific situation in the world.

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