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  Professor in Islamic-Azad University (KarajBranch)

  Director of Sport & Recreational program in International Persian Channel: JAME-JAM

  Research Interests: Sport Management / Sport Communication

  Main Publications:Author and translator of 6 books: 1. the role of Media in Sport Development 2. Fundamental of Announcing in Sport programmes

  WANG Fang

  Lecturer of Beijing Sport University

  Education Background: 2000.9-2003.6 Dept.of Graduate School,Beijing Sport University, M.E.

  1995.9-1999.7 Dept.of Mangament,Beijing Sport University,B.E.

  Research Interests:Olympic Studies

  Main Publications:History story of Hi-tech in Olympic Games;The Olympic Reader for Pupils(Degree 4-6);Harmonious Development about the Beijing Olympic Games and Chinese Sports;The Humanistic value of the Volunteer Programs in Beijing Olympic Games, Inspiration on the Beijing Olympics from the Development History of the Olympic Sight Image;

  LEONARDO Mataruna

  Coordinator of Postgraduate Seminar of Olympic Studies International Olympic Academy; Professor of Celso Lisboa University Center

  Education Background:PhD student

  Research Interests:Paralympic Sports and Olympic Studies

  Main Publications:Inclusao social e Deficientes Visuais

  The Olympic and Mass Media with Emphasis

  on Iran, Brazil and China: Past, Present, and Future

  Hamid GHASEMI, WANG Fang and LEONARDO Mataruna

  The Olympic Game and mass media, both are phenomenon. They are growing in dimension, complexity and worldwide impact (Moragas, Rivenburgh, Larson, 1995). There have recently been major changes, in the movement and commercialization of popular culture around the world: music, fashion, and televised sport. The modern Olympics have been continuously challenged by the phenomenon of mass media. Among mass media, TV, radio, and press have great importance due to the vast coverage. The Olympic Games need to be study the production processes of the Olympic mass media, which result in multiple and different presentations of the Olympic Games around the world. In this process, there is development in: sports, financial, human resource, culture, education and research.

  The Olympic Games is heavily concentrated on by the mass media, but what happens about the role of media to achieve the Olympic goals between Games? To find the answer of this question around world, a large scale study is required. Thus this research was conducted, in Iran, Brazil and China.

  A questionnaire was prepared to find out the existing and desired role of the mass media in the coverage of the Olympic goals at Iran in five pivots (sports, financial, human resource, cultural factors, and education) and to prepare an applicable model as the main aims of study. The effect of each of the mentioned media on each of these five dimensions has been determined through a group of questions. The validity and reliability of questionnaire was confirmed. The questionnaire was distributed among 342 members of the sample taken from 560 populations compromising of four groups including: “sports media managers, sport media experts, sport managers, and sport management experts.” In Brazil and China the analysis about the four thematic groups occurred using the researches to evaluate the behavior of the media.

  The methodology of the research was descriptive and casual comparative, and the data was gathered through survey. Situation of the role of the media in the Olympic goals (existing and desired) is considered as the independent variable. The five dimensions of sport development “social sport organizations, financial resources, human resources, culture, and education” were the dependent variables. The results showed: There was a significant difference between existing and desired role of media in five variables. The first priority among categories of sport (social organization) in desired situation in TV & radio goes for “sport for all” and in press for “championship”. Desired situation goes for development of “sport industry” the first priority among financial resources in TV, radio and press.

  The first priority among human resources in desired situation in TV, radio, and press were, “choosing the best”. The first priority among culture factors in TV, goes for “decreasing smoke & drug use”, in radio “reducing aggression”, in press “decrease of doping.” The first priority among education in TV and press go for “design, building and using facilities on standards” and in radio, developing “research culture”. With these results we developed a contingency applicable model for the Iranian mass media in order to improve the development of some Olympic goals.

  The methods to compare the different founded in each countries used permit to construe a multicultural analysis of the results that is finding in the complete version of this paper.

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