2008年7月8日,北京- 今天,自然中国,和谐家园—我眼中的自然保护区摄影大赛优秀图片展在北京动物园澳洲馆开展,展览吸引了上万游客参观。
大自然保护协会中国部北京项目主任李典谟在图片展开幕式上对大自然保护协会近几年在中国的工作做了简单介绍。据他讲,目前我国已建立各种类型的自然保护区2,395处,占全国国土面积的15%以上。北京市也已建有20 个自然保护区,总面积超过全市面积的8%。这些生态功能良好的自然保护地从一个侧面实践了中国政府关于“绿色奥运、自然北京”的郑重承诺。
《秋归》 生命之源类
Taken in December 2007 on the south slope of Fengyang Mountain Nature Reserve in Zhejiang province, this area is part of Central Asia’s temperate forest system. Fengyang Mountain is also Zhejiang’s second largest water source, which spans through sprawling forests and contains an incredible array of biodiversity, giving this region the name, “The Plant Basket of East China”.
张路明 Zhang Luming:
《蛇口难逃》 野生动物类
Mouth of the Serpent China's Spectacular Wildlife
Snakes feeding on frogs are part of the very natural process in the circle of life, and can often be seen in the southern China countryside. This Dinodon rufozonatum was pictured so closely that even the photographer’s outline can be seen in the eyes of the snake.
张庆久 Zhang Qingjiu:
与血雉亲密接触 保护区类
Blood Pheasant Inside Nature Reserves
These pheasants can be found at elevations between 2,400 and 2,903 meters, far away from human contact and the dangers of hunters. This was an extremely rare encounter with such an infrequently seen bird. I wish all wild animals were able to be photographed this close and peacefully with a human. But my dream is not impossible; it just takes a much stronger respect and appreciation for nature, from all people.
梁启慧 Liang Qihui
红腹锦鸡 野生动物类
Red-Bellied Golden Pheasant China's Spectacular Wildlife
The Red-Bellied Golden Pheasant is unique to China, and became a protected species in 1996 after it was declared endangered. Living in central and western China at 500 to 2100 meters above sea level, these pheasants are inclined to be clustered together near the outer edge of the forest during the day, and foraging in mountain habitats or trees at night.
雍严格 Yong Yange:
《一帘幽梦》 野生动物类
A Quiet Little Dream China’s Spectacular Wildlife
One morning, as I was walking through the fog in this little farming village, I came across a spider web between two trees. The morning dew had left beads of water trickling down each strand of the web like pearls on a necklace. It was truly a beautiful sight.
王开成 Wang Kaicheng
大自然的精灵¬——金丝猴 野生动物类
Golden Snub-nosed Monkey China’s Spectacular Wildlife
In January 2007, we were traveling through the Qinling mountain range though heavy snow, when we came across a golden monkey mother feeding her young. Despite the darkness of the valley we were traveling, I could still make out the splendid golden color of their fur through the rich side lighting. My friend Zhang Wang luckily immediately grabbed his camera, to take this spectacular photograph.
杜超英 Du Chaoying
四川发现灰冠鸦雀 保护区类
Rusty-Throated Parrotbill in Sichuan Inside Nature Reserves
灰冠鸦雀英文名:Rusty-throated Parrotbill
学名:Paradoxornis przewalskii
One day during the summer of 2007, while I was walking down a road at an elevation of about 2600 meters next to a mixed pine forest, this great bird landed on a small tree nearby. The bird was strikingly beautiful, with its upper-chest colored a deep orange. This is when I realized that this bird was the extremely rare Rusty-Throated Parrotbill, a bird last spotted nearly 10 years ago.
董磊 Dong Lei
水母雪兔子 保护区类
Saussurea medusa China’s Spectacular Wildlife
多数雪莲花生长在积雪终年不化的雪山 “雪线”附近。新疆天山的雪莲属于雪莲亚属。藏语叫“冈拉梅朵”。雪莲生长在严寒、风大、缺氧、人迹罕至的高山环境,科学家对其分类、生物学特性和生存现状的研究还不很清楚。由于具有药用价值和神话色彩,雪莲受到过度采集的威胁,已处于濒临灭绝的边缘。
In June 1998, I was living year-round at the Baima Snow Mountain Biological Testing Base, which was at 3900 meters above sea-level. One day I climbed up to 4,500 meters and discovered a bright red and purple lotus-like plant often called a snow lotus. Snow lotus can grow all year in this harsh alpine environment, which can be cold and windy with very little oxygen. However, because of their medicinal value, and mystical color, they are on the brink of extinction.
方震东 Fang Zhendong
我们的距离并不遥远 生命之源类
Far but close The Source of Life
In remote Daocheng County, part of the Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan, a place where many different ethnic minorities exist, the monks have always appeared at peace and harmony with nature. In 1999, I drove a jeep from Beijing to western Sichuan to see this unique area. Once at the monestary, a monk from the temple took me to the mountain to see these wild Cangma chickens.
方震东 Fang Zhendong:
《黄裙竹荪》(未送图片) 野生物种类
Dictyophora Duplicata China’s Spectacular Wildlife
黄裙竹荪属于植物菌类(Dictyophora mulicolor Bork.et Br )。此种植物的存在说明了庐山自然保护区植物保护的完整性相当高。
This species of rare and poisonous fungus has been well protected at Lushan Nature Reserve in Jiangxi province. After searching for days, I finally photographed this one at Lushan in 2006 in its mountainous, bamboo forest habitat.
梁同军 Liang Tongjun
《珠峰岩羊》 野生物种类
Blue Sheep at Mount Everest China’s Spectacular Wildlife
This photo was taken at the Mount Everest base camp, elevation 5100m. Blue sheep were formerly afraid of humans here, but in the last 20 years since establishment of the nature reserve Blue sheep are a common site at the base camp, sometimes coming within 10 meters of people.
吕宇理 Lv Yuli
《京郊美如画》 自然北京类
Beijing’s Natural Beauty Natural Beijing
This picture is looking down at Tanghe village in Beijing’s northern Huairou County. The village is surrounded by mountains and cut by a river than quietly flows into the Miyun reservoir – Beijing’s most important water source.
卜向东 Pu Xiangdong
普氏原羚 保护区类
Przewalski's Gazelle Inside Nature Reserves
1996年和1998年普氏原羚两次被IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)红皮书列为极危级(CR)动物。1999年我国《濒危动物兽类红皮书》 将其列为极危级动物。
Przewalski's Gazelle is one of the most endangered species in China. Its previous habitat range covered Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia, and Xinjiang, but is now only found around Qinghai Lake, with a dangerously small population of 300 individuals. Their numbers have dwindled so drastically due to herd fragmentation, loss of food sources, and shrinking habitat from fencing, roads and other human structures.
陈德辉 Chen Dehui:
大足鼠耳蝠 自然保护区类
Rickett’s Big-Footed Myotis Inside Nature Reserves
Bats are the only mammal in the world that is able to fly. With an evolutionary history of almost 100 million years, it is also one of the oldest. There are 1007 species of bats in the world, and 120 in China.
Some bats can eat up to half their body weight worth of insects in one night. While most bats eat insects, a small number of bats eat fish. This Rickett’s Big-footed Myotis species of bat feeds on fish and is endemic to China. It was photographed in Xiayunling National Forest Park in Beijing.
吕宇理 Lv Yuli
大树杜鹃 (未送获奖照片) 保护区类
Rhododendron Giant Inside Nature Reserves
大树杜鹃是一种传奇性植物,自被“植物猎人”英国植物学家乔治•福瑞斯特(George forrest)于1919年首次发现后,经过半个多世纪,直到1981年中国科学院昆明植物研究所植物学家冯国楣先生几经周折,才在云南省腾冲县海拔2400米的密林深处再次发现。
This mystical, tree-sized species of Rhododendron grows to towering heights. This tree photographed at Gaoligongshan in Yunnan is the largest in the world. It is over 650 years old, is 25 meters tall, and has a canopy spawning 60 square meters. I was lucky to visit this giant tree several times while at Gaoligongshan, and was mesmerized by its beauty on each visit.
艾怀森 Ai Huaisen:
Lynx China’s Spectacular Wildlife
It was my second visit to Kekexili Nature Reserve in Qinghai and we were driving along a small river at nearly 5000 m elevation. Suddenly our driver slammed on the breaks as we saw a lynx lying in a gully to our left and staring right at us. I immediately grabbed the camera. At that point the lynx ran to the top of a mound, looked back at us as I snapped this picture, and then disappeared just as quickly as it came. The whole ordeal lasted less than 10 seconds.
裴竟德 Pei Jingde
All above three photos are the key wetland protected areas in China. Wetlands are the paradise for wildlife.
They provide essential habitats for fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, invertebrates, and many kinds of marine and terrestrial mammals. The natural processes associated with wetlands also furnish significant services to humans including storing water, filtering out impurities and excess phosphorus and nitrogen, as well as reducing the impacts of floods and flood-caused soil erosion. They also provide opportunities for environmental education, research, and recreation such as bird-watching.
Economists have valued China’s inland water ecosystems at roughly US$86 billion. Of which, flood control accounts for $48 billion and water storage for $22 billion. The total does not include the value that might be assigned to coastal wetlands. Other aspects of wetlands, such as their aesthetic qualities, their archaeological features and research values are difficult to establish in monetary terms.
However, more and more wetlands are disappearing due to the urban expansion and land-reclamation for agriculture. We must stop this trend, and protect well the wetlands and our own living environment.
This picture records the glaciers and mountain ecosystems impacted by the climate change.
Climate change is affecting habitats around the world, particularly in the Arctic. Continuing changes in glacier and mountain ecosystems will affect not just local communities but the entire world, because glaciers and snow-covered mountains serve as the world’s “water towers.” At least half the fresh water that humans consume comes from glaciers and mountain snow and ice that melt and feed creeks and rivers. A warming climate causes changes in glacier and mountain ecosystems that alter the amount of water produced and the timing of its production. These temperature-induced changes in the water cycle are accompanied by changes in plant growth and range.
Governments and environmental organizations around the world are working together to design and implement policies that would slow the pace and reduce the severity of the changing climate’s impacts on ecosystems, species, and human communities. Among the most promising trends are protection of forests and wetlands as well as the ecosystem of nature reserves.
Tropical and temperate rainforests are home to 50 percent of the world’s plant and animal species. Forest ecosystems are also natural assets with economic and social value. Forests provide an array of goods and services vital to human health and livelihood. They supply timber for fuel, building materials, paper, and other goods, as well as non-wood products such as fruit, cocoa, coconut, rubber, coffee, and medicines. They prevent soil erosion, provide clean water in their rivers and streams, and store enormous amounts of carbon.
Forests in China cover 175 million hectares — 18.21% of the country’s land area — and, every year, store nearly 100 million more metric tons of carbon in their trees and soil than they release due to logging. One estimate sets the annual values of Chinese forests at $15.8 billion (U.S. dollars) in timber, $17.3 billion in non-timber forest products, and $61.4 billion in ecosystem regulating services such as climate, flood and disease regulation as well as water purification.