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图片中密密麻麻的空间碎片像蚕茧一样包围着地球,可以想象,太空碎片如果密集到一定程度,任何东西都将无法进入太空轨道。 |
连线NASA:空间站若受冲击 宇航员或被转至联盟号飞船
美国和俄罗斯的两颗通信卫星10日在西伯利亚上空790公里的区域发生太空相撞,撞击产生了大量太空垃圾。为此记者通过邮件采访了美国国家航空航天局公共事务官员麦克-布鲁克斯(Michael Braukus)。
1. Will the collision take some impacts on US communication? What will be impacted by this collision?
We don’t know yet. Our orbital debris experts are still analyzing the data and assessing any possible risk.
2. Is there any latest information from the space station? How about the astronaut? Do u have some special support or action to them?
The crew is well and in good spirits. The current risk to the station is well within normal bounds. If the space station was threatened by a debris strike, the space station would be moved out of the path of the debris and as a precaution the crew would be instructed to move to another area of the station or into the Soyuz.
3. The collision produced hundreds of debris; will the debris cause further trouble in space in future?
Yes. Here is a Web address for a graphic that illustrates the debris problem。(见上图)
4. Do you have latest information about the reason of this collision? Or some predict?
No explanation. However, this is the first time two satellites have collided in space.