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麦道夫部分产业将以1500万美元出售 以赔偿受害人







  Trustee agrees to sell part of Madoff"s business

  4 2009-03-28 14:31

  NEW YORK (AP) _ A deal has been reached to sell the partofBernard Madoff"s company that investigators are fairly certainwashonestly run, and the company buying the operation said itisconfident it isn"t acquiring a den of thieves.

  A court-appointed trustee overseeing the liquidation ofMadoff"sassets announced Friday he has reached a potential $15million dealto sell his market-making business to theBostonfirmCastor PolluxSecurities.

  The agreement leaves open the possibility that the operationcouldgo to a higher bidder before the sale is finalized, trusteeIrvingPicard said in a statement.

  The sale price is just a fraction of the $700 million thatMadoffhimself recently estimated the business was worth _ a figurethathad been laughed off as irrational by some experts.

  Revenue generated by the sale will be used to reimburseMadoff"svictims.

  The market-making division managed by Madoff"s brother andtwosons was sete from the secretive investment advisorybusinesscentral to the scam. At a forum last month for victims,Picard saidinvestigators had concluded the trading operation waslegitimateand should be sold to the highest bidder.

  Madoff, 70, faces a maximum sentence of 150 years in prisonafterpleading guilty earlier this month to 11 charges includingfraud,perjury and money laundering. He was jailed whileawaitingsentencing.

  During the plea, Madoff described the investment advisorybusinessas "the vehicle of my wrongdoing." But he also insisted"the otherbusinesses my firm engaged in, proprietary trading andmarketmaking, were legitimate, profitable and successful inallrespects."

  the fraud. They say the investigation could drag outformonths.


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