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  编者按:一位搜狐网友25日在搜狐发表了这篇《致布什总统的一封信》之后,激起广大网友的极大热情,大家纷纷在新闻跟帖中发表自己对和平的见解。一时间,跟帖像雪片一样发表在文章后面,很多网友表示“精彩!令人深思,强烈建议译成英文,让更多的人看到! ”。许多精通英文的网友给搜狐网来信,把这封信翻译成英文,希望让世界上更多的爱好和平的人士能看到一个普通中国人的和平仁爱之心。现将网友Dejun的英文译稿附在中文之后,在中国的国庆和中秋双节到来之际,我们愿意和广大网友一起祈求和平!


















  Hatred Can Only Be Resolved by Love, Benevolence, and Tolerance--- A letter from a Chinese citizen to President Bush

  Your Majesty President Bush,

  How are you doing?

  As an ordinary Chinese citizen, seeing the collapse of WTC, and seeing so many Americans breaking their hearts, candles flaring and crying in the breezes, as well as yellow ribbons sadly flickering in the winds, I am as sorrow as you are, and feel like being one of you.

  My son is just five-month old, naive and lovely. He still does not know there was so much sorrow in this human world. I dare not imagine the sorrow of losing him one day, and how sad he will be if he lose his mum and dad one day. My mum’s hair has all been white, and I also dare not imagine the sorrow of a white-hair old lady sending her beloved son into his grave.

  However, on 11 September, in New York, all these had happened! Thousands of lives had left this beautiful world just like that, leaving behind milliard of sorrow hearts in this world! The scurvy behaviours of terrorists are deeply hated by the whole world!

  There is, nevertheless, a Chinese proverb that says:“A Buddhist God fears to seed hatred; an ordinary person fears to fruit the consequences.”We may need to ask a question: What are the reasons and dynamics for the terrorists to disregard the loss of so many lives and so much wealth? There is only one answer: the hatred!

  If the effect of gratitude can last only for 10 minutes, then the consequences from hatred may last for a hundred or a thousand years!

  Today, the 25th of September, 2001, is perhaps close to a date when you are going to sign a document to attack Afghanistan. Can you resolve the problems by killing a bin Laden and overthrowing the Taliban government?

  Ordinary people always suffer most in all wars. Looking back at the history, there was no single war that could resolve hatred. The word terrorism is derived from the word terror. Any wars will put ordinary people in terror, not only people in Afghanistan, but also people in America, and in the world. There was no single government that could govern a country for 500 year, but the world-spread religions such as Christian, Buddhist, Islam, as well as Chinese Confucius and Tao religions have survived for more than 2000 years. The reasons they have survived for that long, differently from all cult religions, are due to the highest principle in their testaments: love, benevolence, and tolerance. Only this kind of principle is the way to resolve hatred.

  I am an ordinary Chinese who has no tendency in any parties and any religions, but a member of nature who live in this world. Just like people in New York and Afghanistan, we are citizens of the earth! We all have happiness and sorrows; we all have parents, wives or husbands, brothers and sisters, and can all feel the feeling of Americans at this moment!

  Mr President, America is the strongest country in the world. If a political party should be responsible to a society, you should lead America to join other big countries in the world to take a responsibility to the peace of the world!

  I am very lucky to live in these peaceful years of China. The reasons why China would not use force to resolve the problem in Taiwan, I, as an ordinary people, believe that the Chinese government would not like our brothers and sisters to kill each other. They do not want the love ones to feel sad and those evil jokers to feel happy. They do not want to see so many extremely sad yellow ribbons flaring on both mainland and Taiwan. China has had 5000 years of history, with 5000 years of wars. Chinese people have suffered so much from the scars of wars, and hence cherish more the value of peace.

  The anti-terrorist alliance ought to consolidate all forces that love peace in this world to seek a long-term and thorough solution. Mr President, as a great leader, you should have a vision like an eagle and compassion like an ocean to view these terrorist attacks. A war will only create more Laden, build up more hatred, and bring more unstable factors into this world. Hatred can change someone into a missile; bullets and cannons cannot resolve the sadness of distorted humanity and missing love. No nations will surrender under the guns, but every nation has loving hearts.

  Dear Mr President, I believe that the heaviness of our pens are similar, but your pen is linked to the lives and happiness of millions of people. The eagerness to obtain peace and happiness for an ordinary person like me in this world!

  Finally, my family and I would like to express our deep condolence to the victims of recent terrorist attack. We like to pay our full tribute to the brave fire workers and volunteers, as well as their humanitarian spirits.

  May the light of humanity disperse the dusts in New York sky, and worm up the world.

  Yours sincerely, From an ordinary Chines citizen in Guang Dong, China At early morning, the 25th of September, 2001


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