本期刊·见栏目,特别为大家挑选中科院心理学一区TOP期刊:Work & Stress,为你提供有关职业健康的科研信息,通过相关研究,能够让你了解如何在重压下更加积极的面对自己以及周遭环境,如何应对职业倦怠等问题。除了期刊介绍,我们还精选了近3年刊内高被引文章 & 2022年高阅读量文章,供诸位阅读:
- 作为榜样的领导者:领导出勤率对员工出勤率和病假的影响工作狂对日常工作量和情绪耗竭以及长期工作绩效的影响工作投入及其在远程工作中的前因
- 以人为本的观点了解培训成果以改善员工心理健康
- 培训迁移和有效性评估的新框架
Work & Stress 是Taylor & Francis与欧洲职业健康心理学会联合出版的一本国际性的多学科季刊,旨在介绍有关职业健康和福祉、压力和安全管理的心理、社会和组织方面的高质量研究。它面向职业健康心理学家、工作和组织心理学家、参与组织发展的人群,以及所有关注工作、健康和组织相互影响的人群。
Work & Stress 发表的研究将工作环境的心理突出特征与心理、行为和健康后果相联系,期刊重点关注基本心理过程。该期刊已成为工作与家庭关系、工作中的社会关系(包括诸如工作中的欺凌和冲突、领导力和组织支持等主题)、工作场所干预和重组、员工压力和福祉的维度与结果等方面相关研究的权威平台。此外,Work & Stress 也欢迎讨论职业健康心理学的其他主题的文章。该期刊发表实证报告、综述和理论论文。
Work & Stress:http://985.so/mxsg8
该期刊已被Scopus、Social Science Citation Index and Sociological Abstracts、PsycINFO、Psychology Abstracts、EBSCO Occupational Safety and Health database (OSH-DB) 等国际知名数据库收录。
根据JCR显示,Work & Stress
- 2021年影响因子是7.358
- 在心理学:应用领域排名13/83;近三年的影响因子呈快速攀升趋势
根据Scopus显示,Work & Stress 的
- CiteScore(2021)为10.0
- CiteScoreTracker(2022)为12.6
此外,在Scopus中显示,Work & Stress 在
Work & Stress 在2022年中科院期刊分区表(升级版)发布显示:
- 大类及分区:心理学1区 Top
- 小类及分区:心理学:应用2区
Work & Stress 主编由来自荷兰乌得勒支大学的Toon Taris担任;名誉编辑由英国伦敦大学伯克贝克学院的Tom Cox担任;副主编由来自澳大利亚、美国、芬兰、英国、挪威、加拿大的七位学者组成;编委团队汇集来自多国心理学领域的翘楚。
Toon Taris
Toon Taris教授的主要研究领域是社会心理学、职业压力、职业倦怠、工作满意度和工作绩效。他的社会心理学研究的概念与福祉、确认性因素分析、工作参与、测试有效性和职业倦怠等问题相互交织。Toon Taris教授在多个领域研究职业倦怠,包括结构方程模型和工作需求-资源模型。他的结构方程模型研究课程侧重于发展心理学和因果关系与情感。
Tom Cox
Tom Cox教授是组织心理学家和健康心理学家,在与工作生活的可持续性和质量相关的职业和公共卫生问题方面拥有广泛的专业经验。由于他对职业健康的贡献,以及在建立针对员工健康、工作压力和社会心理风险的管理标准方面发挥的重要作用,于2000年被授予大英帝国司令勋章(CBE, Commander of the Order of the British Empire)。他目前的主要关注点是癌症幸存者和工作参与,以及与创伤后应激相关的问题。
根据JCR显示,近三年在Work & Stress 发文的国家中,发文活跃的国家有:
- 美国(22篇)德国(16篇)英国(14篇)
近三年,在Work & Stress 发文的全球高校和科研机构中,发文活跃的大学和科研机构有:
- 佛罗里达州立大学系统(8篇)谢菲尔德大学(7篇)鲁汶大学(5篇)卑尔根大学(5篇)
题目:Leaders as role models: Effects of leader presenteeism on employee presenteeism and sick leave
作者:Carolin Dietz, Hannes Zacher, Tabea Scheel, Kathleen Otto & Thomas Rigotti
There is a broad consensus that associations exist between leadership behaviour and employee health. However, much less is known about potential mediating processes underlying links between specific leader behaviours, for instance presenteeism (i.e. working while being ill), and indicators of employee health, such as sick leave. Integrating theories of social information processing, social learning, and the allostatic load hypothesis, we propose that employee presenteeism mediates the positive association between leader presenteeism and employee sick leave. This hypothesis was tested with a multilevel mediation model using three-wave longitudinal data from 74 leaders and their 412 team members across a time period of 22 months. As hypothesised, leader presenteeism had a positive effect on employee presenteeism which, in turn, had a positive effect on employee sick leave, controlling for baseline measures of employee presenteeism and sick leave, as well as employee general health status, shared workload and job autonomy, and demographic characteristics. Additionally, leader presenteeism had a positive indirect effect on employee sick leave through employee presenteeism. These results contribute to the occupational health psychology literature by suggesting that leader health-related behaviour can have consequences for employee health-related behaviour and employee health.
题目:The impact of workaholism on day-level workload and emotional exhaustion, and on longer-term job performance
作者:Cristian Balducci, Guido Alessandri,Sara Zaniboni, Lorenzo Avanzi, Laura Borgogni & Franco Fraccaroli
By drawing on effort-recovery theory, we conducted two studies to explore the short-term process through which workaholism may affect health and to assess the implications of such a process for job performance. In Study 1 we hypothesised that workaholic tendencies would affect daily workload and that daily workload would mediate the relationship between workaholic tendencies and daily emotional exhaustion. Data were provided by 102 workers consisting mostly of entrepreneurs, managers and self-employed individuals, who were followed for ten consecutive working days. Multilevel structural equation modelling, controlling for the general level of workload, neuroticism and conscientiousness, supported the hypotheses. Building on the results of Study 1, in Study 2 we hypothesised that workaholism would lead in the long run to a decline in job performance. Study 2 considered 519 employees of a large organisation and focused on their supervisors’ performance ratings in two successive years. Workaholism was used to predict change in work performance. Work engagement was included in the model as a concurrent predictor of work performance. Contrary to what was hypothesised, workaholism did not affect performance; only work engagement did so, and in a positive way. The implications of the obtained results for further research on workaholism are discussed.
题目:Work engagement and its antecedents in remote work: A person-centered view
作者:Anne Mäkikangas, Soile Juutinen, Jaana-Piia Mäkiniemi, Kirsi Sjöblom & Atte Oksanen
The aim of this study was to investigate characteristics associated with employees’ ability to cope with the challenges of remote working as flexible work arrangements are predicted to constitute an increasingly pervasive model of work. More specifically, we investigated job resources specific to remote work and employees’ strengths and behaviours that may be crucial for enhancing work engagement when working outside a traditional office environment. The present study adopted a person-centered approach to investigate work engagement and its antecedents. A sample of 455 employees completed a questionnaire four times across a ten-month period during the enforced remote work occasioned in response to the corona pandemic. The results revealed four distinct work engagement profiles. Most employees (75%) belong to profiles with either average or high levels of work engagement, which remained stable after a slight initial increase. A decrease was observed in 25% of those employees whose work engagement was already low at the study baseline. High levels of organisational support, the functionality of home as a work environment, job-related self-efficacy, and job crafting characterised the profile in which work engagement remained at a high level during the remote work. Implications for practice concerning well-being protective multi-locational work are presented.
Latent longitudinal profiles of work engagement.Note. The y axis refers to participants' level of work engagement (1 = never, 5 = always).
题目:Understanding the outcomes of training to improve employee mental health: A novel framework for training transfer and effectiveness evaluation
作者:Karina Nielsen & Rose Shepherd
In this paper, we present the Integrated Training Transfer and Effectiveness Model (ITTEM), a dynamic model integrating dominant training transfer and training effectiveness models that can be used to evaluate whether mental health and wellbeing training interventions are transferred to the workplace and result in changes in emotions, cognitions and behaviours post-training. Through the integration of training transfer and training effectiveness literatures, the ITTEM aims to further our understanding of how we may enhance the effectiveness of training through optimising training transfer. We employ realist evaluation as our theoretical framework and argue that developing our understanding of what works for whom in which circumstances will enable us to improve how we design, implement, and evaluate training. We propose that pre- and post-training contextual factors influence the extent to which training mechanisms are triggered and bring about intended outcomes, in terms of emotions, cognitions, behaviours and improved employee mental health and wellbeing. The ITTEM can be used to develop our understanding of how and when training succeeds or fails. The ITTEM provides valuable insights in to how organisations may design future training to maximise the impact of transfer thus achieving the aims of protecting and promoting mental health and wellbeing.
The Integrated Training Transfer and Effectiveness Model (ITTEM).
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