



A Welcome from President Claudine Gay

Welcome, and welcome back to Harvard.

The beginning of each academic year thrills with possibility. What can we accomplish? What will we accomplish as individuals and as a community? How can we, how will we meet the moment?

For me, one of the most inspiring aspects of being part of our University is knowing that the gap between ‘can’ and ‘will’ is narrower here at Harvard. We dare to reach, encouraged by colleagues and by classmates, emboldened by a history of extraordinary achievement.

We dare to change, knowing that leadership and impact demand innovation.

Since my election as president, I’ve learned more about the aspirations that exist throughout our community – aspirations that not only fulfill our mission but also expand, enrich, and celebrate it.

At events and meetings, in chance encounters and over ice cream, I’ve gotten to know some of you and to understand what motivates your contributions to the University and your drive to change the world. Though our pursuits are vast and varied, we all share something important and essential: a boundless and probing curiosity.

I begin my first academic year as president in awe of your ambition, your optimism, your fearlessness, and your talent, and with enormous gratitude for the warm welcome you’ve given me.

I wish you well in the months to come, and I look forward to everything we’ll accomplish together.

Once again, welcome and see you soon.返回搜狐,查看更多


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