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14 Websites form strategic alliance  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/17,17:05)
The Xin Tian Li Electronics Co. of Guangdong Province and 14 Chinese Web sites recently announced they are forming a strategic alliance.

Datang Telecom, Qualcomm sign CDMA pact  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/17,16:49)
Datang Telecom argues that China should adopt the code division multiple access (CDMA) cellular phone technology.

Nokia gets digital subscriber line license from MI  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/17,16:44)
Nokia recently became the first manufacturer to receive a network access license from China? Ministry of Information Industry (MII) for digital subscriber line broadband access repeater equipment.

Nokia signs wireless deal with China Unicom  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/17,16:42)
Nokia has signed wireless application protocol (WAP) contracts with an additional four branches of China Unicom to bring the possibility of WAP services to millions of mobile subscribers.

Net firm wants to cater to kids  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/16,16:41)
ChinaRen.com recently announced its priority is now to make itself a destination Web site for Chinese and especially for Chinese youth around the world.

Coastal provinces tuning into Net radio  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/16,16:33)
In December 1996, Pearl Radio (www.pearlradio.com) became China? first radio station to broadcast on the Internet.

Hunan Mobile signs mobile communications network  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/16,16:29)
Hunan Mobile Communications Co. has recently signed agreements to carry out the sixth phase of its digital mobile phone network expansion.

Space-cultivated vegetable to go on market tomorro  (Sichuan News,2000/06/15,14:47)

HiSense cell phones will be top product  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/14,09:02)
Chinese PC maker HiSense plans to develop third-generation digital cellular phones, which it says will become its key product and a new source of profits.

China to break ?iron rice bowls  (Shenzhen Daily,2000/06/13,11:21)
MILLIONS of people in China working for various institutions will lose their ?iron rice bowls and the days of ?cadres having the same rank as civil servants will end.

Pollution, landfills devouring agriculture  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/10,10:52)
As China? population continues to increase, the country is steadily losing the ability to help feed itself because agriculturally harmful pollution.

Design of Yunnan-Tibet railway project completed  (Sichuan News,2000/06/10,10:50)
Plans to construct the Yunnan-Tibet railway project were finalized Friday by the Ministry of Railway, but officials are still waiting for central government approval.

China to resume disarmament talks with U.S  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/09,19:49)
Chinese diplomates will resume talks with the United States on arms control and nuclear non-proliferation which were suspended after U.S. warplanes bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.

PNTR vote likely to be held up by Senate delay  (Sichuan News,2000/06/07,14:30)
Key US Senate leaders said on Tuesday a landmark China trade bill could be held up for weeks despite White House calls for swift passage.

7 people killed by lightning in southwest China  (Sichuan News,2000/06/06,11:24)
Seven herdsmen died and another three received serious injuries when they were struck by lightning over the weekend in mountainous Hezhang County of in the west Guizhou Province.

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