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Jiang: Technology badly needs Innovation  (Sichuan News,2000/06/06,11:22)
President Jiang Zemin urged a conference of scholars to launch a new wave of scientific and technological progress and innovation.

WTO realities after Chinese accession  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/03,09:43)
PNTR has passed, and China's accession to the WTO is on the way. But what leverage does the United States have now?

Foreign firms stinking up China  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/03,09:40)
China’s third national industrial survey found that foreign-invested enterprises account for a considerable proportion of the county’s polluting industries.

Jiang and Clinton talk over phone  (Sichuan News,2000/06/02,15:05)
CHINESE President Jiang Zemin expressed his appreciation for the great efforts made by the United States to realize Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) with China.

OECD predicts rapid economic growth  (Shanghai ABC,2000/06/02,14:20)
The OECD has released a report predicting China's GDP will grow by an impressive 7.7 per cent this year, up from last year's 7.1 per cent growth.

North Korean Leader Makes Secret China Visit  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/02,13:26)
Kim Jong Il arrived just two weeks before a historic summit between North and South Korea.

Students to address forum  (Shenzhen Daily,2000/05/30,14:25)
“ BEAR: bear's paws are precious, bear gall bladders and meat can be made into medicine; whale: whale's meat is edible, whale's fat is industrial raw materials;

Serious Drought Along China's Yangtze River  (ChinaOnline,2000/05/29,08:51)
Since the start of this spring, most parts of northern China around the Yangzte River have been plagued by a severe drought.

China Cracks Down on Illegal Telecom Operations  (ChinaOnline,2000/05/26,14:15)
Courts may punish illegal acts that seriously disrupt the country’s telecommunications sector, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the nation’s Criminal Law.

China's Silicon Valley Gets US$3.6B in Investment  (ChinaOnline,2000/05/26,14:15)
The Zhongguancun Technology Trade Center, located in China’s Silicon Valley, has attracted considerable attention from both domestic and overseas investors.

China Seeks Foreign Investors for Pharmaceuticals  (ChinaOnline,2000/05/26,14:14)
China hopes that foreign investment in the country’s pharmaceutical industry will extend from the production sector into research and development.

House Approves PNTR to China  (Sichuan News,2000/05/26,09:29)
Clinton praised the House action, saying it would open China's vast marketplace, potentially the world's largest with 1.3 billion consumers, and increase stability in the region.

Farm Aid: China Revises Agricultural Quality Rules  (ChinaOnline,2000/05/25,09:49)
China has already stipulated more than 300 agricultural standards to be enforced nationwide, 900 to be enforced sectorwide, and over 15,000 to be enforced locally.

China Web Site Has Got It Covered--Newswise  (ChinaOnline,2000/05/25,09:46)
The 14 news organizations each will regularly send three reporters to work at the Web site in shifts and will carry out exclusive interviews.

Sand-harnessing project launched  (Shenzhen Daily,2000/05/25,09:20)
It is estimated that China's sandstorm damage results in economic loss of 54 billion yuan each year.

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2000/6/30 2000/6/29 2000/6/28 2000/6/27 2000/6/26 2000/6/25 2000/6/24 


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