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  HONG KONG, __ December 2006 ---DoubleClick, a leading provider of digital advertising technology and services, today announced the signing of an agreement with UniClick as their exclusive reseller for publishers in China. The agreement calls for UniClick to distribute DART Enterprise among publishers in China.


协议将讓UniClick公司向中国的网络媒体推广DART Enterprise系统。

  Commented Mr. Su Tong, UniClick’s CEO, “We chose to be a partner of DoubleClick because the publishers in China are looking to us to provide them the best of breed ad management technology. DART Enterprise’s track record of effectively managing and providing meaningful data convinced us that it’s the best support tools to offer in the marketplace of China.”

  UniClick公司的首席执行官蘇同先生说:“我们之所以选择了做为双击公司的合作伙伴,是因为中国的网络媒体希望我们能向他们提供最好的广告管理技术。DART Enterprise系统的跟踪记录功能管理高效、并且能提供含义丰富的数据,我们深信它是奉献给中国市场的最好的支持工具。”

  UniClick is a newly set up internet advertising techsoluton company, focusing on development and application of digital marketing technologies. They provide solutions in managing, delivering, tracking and data analysis for online advertising. Their mission is to optimize and quantify the effect of advertising, so that advertisers, media and advertising agencies are provided credible and professional assessment. UniClick possesses a team of high-calibre and professional technical and servicing staff, and their set up is going to provide a healthy source of growth to the market.


  DART Enterprise is the premier licensed software solution designed for managing, serving and reporting on advertising delivered online for the Internet and other digital channels. It helps publishers and merchants monetize their content and control all aspects of online advertising in-house while using their existing infrastructure.

  在对互联网以及其他数字媒体上发布的广告进行管理、提供服务和报告方面,DART Enterprise系统是第一个获得许可的软件解决方案。它有助于媒体和商户将广告内容货币化,而且能做到利用他们现有的设施和人力就能控制在线广告的方方面面。

  According to Jayne Leung, Regional Director, DoubleClick Asia, “We are indeed pleased to welcome UniClick as a new partner. As our reseller in China, UniClick clearly recognises they must demonstrate to prospective publishers the importance of an efficient and reliable ad management system. DART Enterprise is ideally suited to help UniClick achieve that goal. UniClick is going to help DoubleClick extend into the publisher vertical in the China marketplace, and also provide local support and services to these customers. On the other hand, DoubleClick will continue to service all its existing clients with the same dedication and will also be committed to further growing the advertising agency business in China.”

  双击公司亚洲区总裁Jayne Leung说:“我们真的很高兴,欢迎UniClick公司做为我们新的合作伙伴。做为我们在中国的经销商,UniClick公司清楚地认识到他们必须向潜在的媒体客户证明高效而且可靠的广告管理系统的价值。DART Enterprise系统正好能帮助UniClick公司达到这个目标。UniClick公司将会帮助双击公司将业务直接扩展到中国市场上的媒体客户,同时也向这些客户提供本地化的支持和服务。另一方面,双击公司将会一如既往地为它现有的所有用户提供一贯的服务,同时,也将进一步继续扶持在中国的广告代理商业务。”

  Double Click's Ms. Leung went on to say, “UniClick joins such other major DART Enterprise clients as NetEase, China.com, Phoenix TV and People’s Daily. These influential clients demonstrate the innovative solutions leadership we are bringing to the growing China online market and this important partnership also signals a steaming source of growth for DoubleClick.”

  双击公司的Jayne Leung女士接着说:“UniClick公司加入到了网易、中华网、凤凰卫视、人民日报等等这些DART Enterprise系统大客户的行列,这些大客户展示着我们为发展中的中国在线市场带来的创造性解决方案的领先能力。同时,这些重要的客户关系也代表着双击公司蒸蒸日上的动力之源。

  Note to Editors:


  About DoubleClick


  DoubleClick provides technology and services that empower marketers, agencies and web publishers to work together successfully and profit from their digital marketing investments. Our focus on innovation, reliability and insight enables clients to improve productivity and results.


  Since 1996, DoubleClick has empowered the original thinkers and leaders in the digital advertising industry to deliver on the promise of the rich possibilities of our medium. Today, the company's DART and Performics divisions power the online advertising marketplace. Tomorrow, we will continue to enable clients to profit from opportunities across all digital advertising channels as consumers worldwide embrace them.


  DoubleClick has global headquarters in New York City and maintains 21 offices around the world to serve its more than 1,500 clients.


  About UniClick


  UniClick is a newly set up internet advertising techsolution company, focusing on development and application of digital marketing technologies. They provide solutions in managing, delivering, tracking and data analysis for online advertising. Their mission is to optimize and quantify the effect of advertising, so that advertisers, media and advertising agencies are provided credible and professional assessment.




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