No.525(Friday,April 20)She has season tickets totheballet.
Victor:她有芭蕾舞季票。Nancy:This meansshe spends money in the beginning of the year,and she can go to any ballet she wants through the theaters entire performing season.
(Saturday,April 21)Helikestoplaytheslots.Victor:他喜欢玩老虎机。Nancy:InAmerica,we call it a slot machine.You put moneyin the machine,pull the handle,and if all the pictures of fruitlineup,you can win alotofmoney–coinswill just start pouring out.
(Sunday,April 22)
WhenshewasinParis,she spent two weeks justvisitingtheLouvre.Victor:她在巴黎时,花了两周参观卢浮宫。Nancy:TheLouvre in Paris is one of the largestartmuseumin the world;ifvisitors wantedtoseeeverything there,itwould actuallytakemonths.No.528
(Monday,April 23)
Nancy:To assume means to believe something or some situation is true without knowing all thefacts.
(Tuesday,April 24)
Itstheoldshell game.Nancy:Thisrefers to a classic con,or a very time-tested way to cheat people.“shellgame”alsomeans a situation where there is no way that the playercanwin.
(Wednesday,April 25)He’sgoingpro.
Victor:他即将变为职业的。Nancy:Professionalsget paid,and amateurs do their sport or activity because they love it.Going pro means becoming professional.Victor:professional是职业的,amateur是业余的,go-ingpro就是变成职业的。No.531
(Thursday,April 26)
Hegotacostofliving increase.
Nancy:Costof living means the cost of everyday life.If someone gets a cost of living increase,itmeans they get more money from their job so they can afford the city.A raise is different;itmeans yourbossthinksyou’redoing agoodjob.
Victor:这可不同于加薪,生活费增加是由于物价增加所以才涨的工资。本内容选自《戴尔英语红宝书》,每天在CRI广播FM91.5滚动播出。此录音课在 免费收听。特邀CRI著名英语主持人Victor、Nancy联合演绎纽约时尚英语。详情咨询热线:82515111。J057