Field trials of AIDS prevention methods must continue
Field trials of AIDS prevention methods are as essential astheyare politically awkward, argues this Nature editorial.
Women urgently need more effective HIV prevention measuresthatthey can control, the editorial says. Most new infectionsarisethrough heterosexual transmission, but women are oftenpowerless toinsist on condom use, the best prevention method.
Trials have been conducted on the effectiveness ofwomen-initiatedprevention methods, such as microbicides anddiaphragms, andpreventative drugs that can be used by both men andwomen.
Now there are concerns that the recent failure of somepotentialprevention methods will lead funders to pull out. But,argues theeditorial, it is not unusual for development and testingto take along time ― researchers have not given up hope of avaccine for HIVfor example.
Developing effective prevention techniques ― and deliveringbetterthose that are proven to work ― requires a morethoroughunderstanding of issues such as intimacy, culturalexpectations andinterpersonal relationships, the editorialsays.
Work is needed in both development of new methodsandcommunication with the communities involved to control thepandemicand help women stay healthy.
滋病预防手段的实地试验必须继续 《自然》杂志的这篇社论认为,艾滋病预防手段的实地试验尽管在政治上存在困难,它们是至关重要的。
感谢科学与发展网络 (SciDev.Net)惠赠赐稿 (来源:人民网科技)