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  Dr. LUO QING, Assistant Director of European Media Research Center of Communication University of China(CUC) . Been the visiting scholar in European Audiovisual Observatory, Council of Europe as well as five universities in Europe since 2003. Luo is also the Media consulter for Hunan Economy TV Station & Media Department of South Korean Embassy in China. Selecting to be one of the training teachers for both the volunteers of Media operation depart. of Beijing Olympic Committee, and Olympic Spokesman of Beijing Municipality, Luo had the experience of been journalist in CCTV Sports Channel and producer in Beijing TV Station,invited as moderator or paper reader in the Forums such as:China Communication Forum:Olympia & Sports Communication(Beijing 28th,Augest,2006);Interactive Communication:Media Branding & Sports Events(Beijing,2002).

  Education Background: PHD on International Communication, Master on Journalism

  Research Interests: Media Pubic Policy, Sports Communications, European Medium study

  Main Publications:The series of European Audiovisual Media Observatory, Film Preservation and Promotion by Public Aid Mechanism: Asian Lessons from the European Union Model

  Global Sport Events and National Image Marketing

  LUO Qing

  "Sports", its concept itself is of profound value. And the process of modern sport integrates into the wave of globalization for the passing decades, making a great contribution to the international political, economic globalization theory and heritage of practice. This paper will set to analysis three major changes happened when sports develop into the modern sports from the community and communication function perspective.

  1.From “sport activity” to “sport event”, including Spontaneous physical activity, Conscious Sports, Normative sports, the global sports events indicating a systematic and comprehensive evolution in social and communication function.

  2. The communication character of global sport events

  3. The marketing function of Global sports events.

  As far as the author is concerned that the communication strategy policy of global sport events should not only put the vision on the political propaganda, but the need to establish a national image and marketing on the perspective of Mega Olympic Communication Idea, including four levels of communication policy complex of National image, Sports Industry, Mass media and Social Ecological, with particular attention to the post-Olympic sustainable communication.

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