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  S. Korea confirms contact withsatellitelost

  xhyyt 2008-01-04 19:35

  SEOUL, January 4 (Xinhua)-- The Korea Aerospace ResearchInstitute(KARI) confirmed Friday that it has lost communicationwith thecountry"s first multipurpose satellite Arirang 1.

  According to the KARI, its surface uplink with the Arirang1satellite was lost on Decr 30.

  KARI said experts failed to restore the communication withtheorbiting satellite and find the cause of the problem.

  Arirang 1 was launched on Decr 21, 1999. It takes high-resolutionphotos of the earth"s surface and circles the earth 14times a dayat an orbit 685 km from the surface of the earth.

  It has orbited the globe 42,985 times and taken 440,000photossince it was launched, the KARI said.

  Initial reviews pointed toward a possible machinery maln oramisalignment that may have affected power generation, SouthKorea"sYonhap News Agency quoted an official of the KARI assaying.

  If communication with the satellite is not restored within aweek,KARI will consult with outside experts to discuss measurestoformally declare the satellite lost, Yonhap said.

  Arirang 1 is expected to orbit the earth for some yearsbeforebeing dragged into the atmosphere, where it will burn up andbedestroyed.



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