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  来自南美和中美洲的声音:如果善良的佛看到这些 毫无疑问会把他送到地狱去

  来自亚洲的声音:希望能快乐地欣赏奥运 而不是那些可耻的暴力

  来自非洲的声音:希望中国办好奥运会 以此来羞辱我们共同的敌人



  一位名为James Mccabe的网友来信声讨达赖喇嘛的丑恶嘴脸,并祝愿北京奥运圆满成功。

  (来信原文:It"s the Tibetan gang in India who started the trouble,andthey also send people into Tibet to stir up trouble. Downwithdalai lama, Long live china, and best wishes for BeijingOlympicGames.)


  (来信原文:The Chinese people should not be deceived by thepublicityin the US regarding the situation in Tibet. All that getspublishedin the US is the liberal reactions of Hollywood actorsandpoliticians who will say anything to get attention and votes inanelection year.In the US there is a good deal of affection forChinaand the Chinese people. Many of us have Chinese friendsandcoworkers. We understand that the government of China musthandlethis situation in a way that upholds the law and protects allofits citizens. For anyone in the US to say that theAmericangovernment would not react in the same way, given asimilarsituation, is not being honest. Warmest regards to theChinesepeople.)


  (来信原文:The answer to all of the above is a resounding "No" asthisyear is the Year of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. I am sure therearesinister forces behind these protests and the Dalai Lamahimselfcannot disclaim knowledge of its happening. There is bloodon hishands for the resulting deaths because of the rioting.….

  Had it been a peaceful protest there would not be any need fortheChinese security forces or the police to resort to forcefulmeasuresto quell this civil uprising. How can anyone allow violentandunruly Tibetan protesters to break and destroy the fabric ofsocialharmony and create social unrest by beating, killing andburningChinese and other civilian properties?….

  Many foreigners condemn the Chinese Government"s actionswithoutany understanding of the complex political situation inChina andTibet. I personally do not subscribe to the "westernstyle" ofdemocracy where "social stability and harmony" are placedsecond to"personal interests and benefits".)



  (来信原文:I strongly believe that the Tibet issue can and shouldbesolved within China"s constitutional framework and IbelieveChina"s nationality policy is one of the most inclusive intheworld. ….

  We should be alert as groups with a sinister agenda foreconomicand political domination of China and far center religiousgroupswill be attempting to manipulate well intentioned butmisinformedpeople around the world to carry out anti-Chinaagitation as wedrawer nearer to the Beijing Olympics.)


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