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  Antimalarial suppositories "buy time" for patients


  A one-off dose of an antimalarial drug in a rectal suppositorycanbuy crucial time for patients with severe malaria who can"teasilyaccess healthcare, say researchers.Their study was publishedin thejournal BioMedCentral Infectious Diseases last week (28March).


  Current WHO guidelines include pre-referral use ofsuppositoriesfor malaria treatment. But the three types ofantimalarialavailable in suppository form — artemisinin, artesunateandartemether — have never been compared for effectiveness.


  The researchers pooled data from 15 trials ofantimalarialsuppositories on a total of 1,167 patients.


  Suppositories were assessed for their ability to clear themalariasite Plasmodium falciparum from patients" blood after 12and 24hours, with a 90 per cent reduction in sites at 24 hoursbeingclassed as successful.


  The researchers also tested whether single or multiple dosesweremore effective, the total dose necessary, and the safety ofthesuppositories.


  They found that both artemisinin and artesunate were safeandcleared the site rapidly, with high doses more effective. Therewasnot enough information on artemether to drawreliableconclusions.


  A high initial dose is key to the success of the treatment."It"simportant to get adequate concentrations of antimalarialactivityto reduce sites fast, because every hour counts," saysMelba Gomes,a researcher at the WHO Special Programme for Researchand Trainingin Tropical Diseases in Switzerland, and co-author ofthepaper.


  "An initial high single dose over 24 hours is enough toreducesite load and is in fact much easier than using lowersequentialdoses of the same drug during those first 24 hours," shetoldSciDev.Net.


  "The idea is that if you give a drug early — and thesepatientsreally need an injectable drug but cannot get to one forseveralhours — then this might buy you the time to get your childalive tothe hospital," she says.


  Ron Behrens, of the Clinical Research Unit at the UK-basedLondonSchool of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, says, ″The studyshowsthat effective and safe malaria treatment can be providedearly on,either by health workers or even mothers, and may lead toareduction in malaria deaths."


  "This gives the green light for strategic planning forsuchinterventions by both the WHO and national malariacontrolprogrammes," he adds, but acknowledges that the problem andcost ofsupplying the drugs remains.

  本文由独家提供。 (来源:人民网科技)


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