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  mengzhi (澳大利亚)

  China is a nation in grief. She is struggling against theelementswhich has dealt her a nasty hand this year. Hope thesecond half ofthe year will be much better ; Olympics andcelebrations.

  All these photos and footages of the united efforts by one andallin helping each other is so heart warming. From the leadershiptothe surviving victim, every man, women and child is puttingtheirhands and shoulders to the mill. They will come through,strongerand more united than ever.

  There are those like me who is center twiddling ourthumbs,helpless and feeling hopeless. Just able to donate money andthatis all. Still I wish the people all the best. China is nowsoindependent there is no world wide call for charity needed. Thatisa hallmark of the strength and self reliance that China hasquietlyacquired. My prayers are with everyone there.

  This major earthquake in China at a remote area isheartwrenching. The death toll is climbing as we speak and hasreachedthe figure of 12,000. This is very sad news for the peopleinvolvedand the nation as a whole. Decent people around the worldhave sentcondolences and messages of sympathy to the victims andtheirfamilies.

  The way and speed with which the Chinese leadership hasrespondedto the catastrophe in rapid mobilization of men andmaterial isworld class. The unified dedication and unstintingmutual helpbetween the survivors, the rescue workers and the armyis a lessonin unity and co-ordination. The Chinese people areimpressed, andso is the world at large. Well done China. We saluteyou and willcontinue to pray for you. Jiayou.

  手牵手肩并肩 中国人民必将度过难关






  Asian Prospective (新加坡)

  China is so lucky to have a Premier like Wen Jiabao.

  He is delicated to his work and to the people of China.Wheneversomething happened in China, he is also the first Chineseofficialto be there with the people. Just this year alone, inFebruary thesnow storm before the lunar new year and now theearthquake.

  This is what make the Premier great and what the people ofChinarespect and admire most.

  Our hearts are all out with the people of China duringthisearthquake disaster. Even though it did not happen in ourcountry,we too felt the lost and look forward to a fastrecovery.




  Ho Sai Yuen (加拿大)

  I heard this very sad news yesterday concerning our compatriotsinSichuan Province.

  My family and I hereby send heartfelt condolence to all thosewhoperish through no fault of their own.

  May their souls rest in Eternal Peace...

  To the survivors, our profound concerns and best wishes arewithall of you in this hour of your trauma and may all of youquicklyrecover with the necessary assistance from our government aswellas those of our concerned compatriots overseas.

  Please take care of yourselves and families, as our thoughtsandprayers are with all of you, dear affected brothersandsisters...

  Till then and all the best to get over and start life anew.




  Dauglas (澳大利亚)

  My heart cries for the series of disaster that besets Chinathisyear. There were the sever snowstorms before the Lunar NewYear,then the riot in Tibet. And now a devastating earthquakewhichbrought wide spread destruction and large loss of life.

  I know the sons and daughters of China will rally to the call,andrise up to meet the challenge of overcoming this greatadversity.China"s fighting spirit will prevail.



  Wechter from Europe (丹麦)

  My wife and I just returned from China where we have travelledfor6 months. We have met so many many nice and warm and kindpeople -and they have shown us so much generousity and hospitalityandfriendship.

  Oh, but now our hearts are aching with sorrow and our eyesarefilled with tears for the victims of this terrible disaster andforthe great people of China who is working so hard and sufferingsomuch.

  Let there be a new bcenter day and a time for all your hopesandwishes.



  Me (美国)

  It"s all fine and dandy to say that your heart is crying, orthatyou are praying for those people that are affected inthisdisaster. That doesn"t help them. If you want tohelp,donate!!!

  They are going to need plasma, so donate blood. They are goingtoneed clothing, so if you have clothes you don"t wearanymore,donate them.

  They are going to need food, so when you are out shopping, buyacan or a package of non-perishable foodstuffs and donate it.

  They are going to need blankets, toothbrushes, soap,bottledwater, tents, socks, underwear, blood, bandages, etc.Whatever youhave, whatever you can find. Organize something at yourlocalschool, community centre, office, workplace, or neighborhood.Thisis a time when everyone, both Chinese and foreigner have tobandtogether and show what they are made of.

  团结起来 奉献爱心


  Agathe (德国)

  I can hardly express my deepest feelings for the families whohavelost their beloved children in this terrible earthquake.

  But please let this not result in keeping your children athomeinstead of sending them to school. Only knowledge can help inthefuture to build better housing, safer industries which maybewillbe less affected by nature catastrophies.

  My thoughts are with you all.



  Davis (澳大利亚)

  This is horrible news and my condolences go out to the peopleofChina. All of us in Australia will feel the same way andourgovernment has offered to help in any way possible. Onceagainnature has shown it is mightier than us all and all humanityshouldunite together to help those who are affected by suchnaturaldisasters. It is particularly encouraging to see the rapidresponseof the Chinese government.



  ali (巴基斯坦)

  i"m shocked to witness the earthquake snaps. Pakistani nationisin grief along with it"s best friend China. Our sympathies arewiththe chinese people and we will do our best to help ourchinesebrothers and sisiters.





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