CIA Signals Continuity With BushEra
WASHINGTON -- The Central Intelligence Agency"s newdirectoroutlined spy policies Wednesday, including an aggressivecampaignin Pakistan, that underscored considerable continuity withthe Bushadministration.
CIA Director Leon Panetta, in his first meeting withreporters,said the agency will continue to carry out drone attacksonmilitants in Pakistan. He also said that while CIAinterrogationswill have new limits, President Barack Obama canstill use hiswartime powers to authorize harsher techniques ifnecessary.
Among changes under way at the CIA, the agency is now assemblingadaily Economic Intelligence Brief to monitor the globaleconomicslowdown"s impact on stability. Argentina, Ecuador andVenezuelaare facing "serious problems" that threaten theireconomicstability, Mr. Panetta said.
Mr. Obama moved quickly to set a date for shutting downtheGuantanamo Bay prison and to close the CIA"s detention network,butthe changes to spy operations appear to be on the margins. Themainchange Mr. Panetta has planned, he said, is to establish "aclearset of ground rules" for interrogations and detainee treatmentthatare "in line with our ideals."
Mr. Panetta referred to the Predator-drone strikes in Pakistanas"operational efforts," to avoid discussing them directly. Hesaidthey "are probably the most effective weapon we have to trytodisrupt al Qaeda center now." Mr. Obama and NationalSecurityAdviser James Jones have strongly endorsed their use, hesaid.
The Obama administration has also shown a reluctance tooverturnBush administration views on certain terrorism-relatedlegalmatters. Last week, it backed Bush-era positions that acaseagainst a contractor alleged to have helped with CIArenditionsshouldn"t go forward because it will reveal "statesecrets," andthat detainees in Afghanistan don"t have the center tochallengetheir detention in a U.S. court. Coming cases that willprovideadditional signals include a lawsuit to force the releaseofJustice Department memos on anti-terrorism policies.
On interrogations, Mr. Panetta said he believes the CIA canbeeffective if it limits itself to the 19 techniques the militaryisallowed to use. He said the administration is evaluatingtheeffectiveness of so-called enhanced interrogation tactics suchaswaterboarding and will make recommendations to the presidentonwhat techniques should be allowed. In the interim, only the19techniques will be used.
Mr. Panetta clarified his position on renditions, in which theCIAtransports detainees to another country. "If we render someoneweare obviously going to get assurances from that country" thatthedetainee will be treated humanely, he said. That position is inlinewith the stated position of previous administrations, thoughsomedetainees who were rendered during the Bush administration saytheywere tortured.
Mr. Panetta also said he would focus more spy efforts onemergingterrorist hot spots, like Somalia and Yemen, that couldbecomefuture al Qaeda havens.
Beyond terrorism, Mr. Panetta said the CIA is expandingitsanalysis of economic conditions around the world. Theglobaleconomic crisis, he said, "is affecting the stability of theworld,and as an intelligence agency, we have to pay attentiontothat."
The first daily economic brief to the president put togetherbythe CIA went out Wednesday. Mr. Panetta has tapped his topeconomicanalysts to work on it, though he said he may have tobolster hiseconomic team down the line. Republican lawmakers havevoicedskepticism about intelligence analysts tackling problems,likeeconomic assessments, that aren"t traditionally consideredspywork.
Within the agency, Mr. Panetta said he is looking toraiselinguistic and cultural fluency. Currently, just 13% ofCIAofficers and analysts have foreign-language proficiency, hesaid,adding that his goal is to get the agency on track to reach100%.He said he will work to improve diversity at the agency,raisingthe proportion of minorities in the work force to 30% from22%.