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预计市场需求持续低迷 欧佩克可能继续减产

  Iran and Venezuela lead calls for cuts in production withinOpechttps://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/natural_resources/article5877504.ece

  Pressure is increasing on Opec to announce a further cut inoilsupplies when the cartel meets in Vienna on Sunday, butSaudiArabia is likely to argue for more compliance with existingcutsbefore it agrees to further reductions in output.

  Expectation that a further cut was imminent sent the oilfuturesmarkets higher yesterday, with the price of US light crudetradingmore than $3 higher at $48.83 before falling back.

  Abdullah al-Badri, the secretary-general of Opec, suggested thatacut was an option available to the group of oil exporters.“Alloptions are on the table,” he said yesterday.

  However, al-Hayat, a Saudi-owned newspaper, suggested thattherewas no need for a further cut if Opec mrs met the previoustargetof a reduction in output of 4.2million barrels per day(bpd).

  Mrs of the cartel are suffering a cashflow squeeze because ofa$100-a-barrel fall in the oil price since last July. In Decr,the12 mrs agreed to a target of 24.845million barrels (excludingIraq,which is suspended from quota obligations), but the full cutof4.2million bpd has still not been achieved.

  It is believed that only half the cut was achieved inJanuary,with the most hawkish states - Algeria, Iran and Venezuela- makingonly token reductions amounting to no more than 200,000 bpdintotal in output, while Saudi Arabia alone reduced its outputbymore than one million bpd.

  Compliance in February is believed to have been greater,accordingto the Centre for Global Energy Studies (CGES). “There isevidencereal cuts were made in March,” said Julian Lee, of theCGES, whichestimates that compliance is now 800,000 bpd shy of the4.2millionbpd cut target.

  Both Iran and Venezuela have called for further production cutsbyOpec, arguing that stocks were still too high, and a furtherfall inglobal oil demand of one million bpd is beingpredicted.

  Further evidence of weak demand emerged yesterday fromChina,where industry sources indicated that the country"sstrategicstorage tanks of crude oil had been filled. China hasbeenstockpiling crude in four new coastal storage sites capableofholding about 100million barrels of oil - equivalent to aboutonemonth of China"s crude oil imports.

  Confirmation that the storage tanks were being filled and thattheprocess was complete represents a bearish signal to the oilmarket,according to Mr Lee. He said: “That would knock a littledent inChinese demand. Over the next month or so, we will see afurtherslip in Chinese demand.”

  Christopher Bellew, of Bache Commodities in London, said:“Myfeeling is that Opec is able to prevent further price weakness,butuntil the over-hang of oil stocks begins to be eroded, theywillstruggle to raise prices.”









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