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资料图:国务院副总理王岐山 中新社发 张娅子 摄

  中新网5月6日电 中国国务院副总理王岐山5日在《纽约时报》网站刊载题为DistantNeighbors(远邻)的文章,表示中国与欧盟应在第二次中欧高级经济对话会上以负责任的态度,明确地做出共同反对贸易保护主义承诺。






  Distant Neighbors


  Published: May 5, 2009

  The most pressing task facing all countries in the world todayisto restore global economic growth as soon as possible. Yet itisworrisome to note that the surge of trade protectionism hasmadethe prospects of the already fragile world economy evenworse.

  China and the European Union, two major economies andstakeholdersin the world, should take a responsible attitude anddemonstratetheir common, clear commitment against tradeprotectionism at thesecond China-E.U. high-level economicdialogue.

  Trade liberalization is the engine of economic growth. Ithasserved as a strong propeller of economic globalizationandbenefited people around the world. On the contrary,tradeprotectionism — featuring the pursuit of benefits for onecountryat the expense of others — will only lead to retaliation. Itservesthe interest of no one.

  The world economy paid a heavy price for the prevalence oftradeprotectionism during the Great Depression in the 1930s, whichledto the contraction of global trade by two thirds. We shouldmakesure that the same mistake is not repeated.

  Europe is the birthplace of free trade theory, and the E.U. istheproduct of successful free trade practices. The removal oftradebarriers promoted formation of a single European market andenhanceddevelopment and prosperity in Europe. As a result, theE.U. hasgrown into the largest economy in the world today.

  China is firmly committed to reform and to opening up. Sinceitsaccession to the World Trade Organization, China"s markethasbecome much more open and its trade greatly liberalized.Thecurrent overall tariff level of China is only 9.8 percent.Itsaverage tariff on industrial products is only 8.9 percent,thelowest among all developing countries. Its tariff onimportedagricultural products is only 15.2 percent, which is notonly lowerthan other developing countries but also far below thatof manydeveloped countries.

  The openness of China"s trade in services has reached alevelclose to that of an average developed country. China hastakensteady steps to improve its market economic system andlegalsystem. In particular, it has made remarkable progressinintellectual-property centers protection, product quality andfoodsafety, environmental protection and labor security. China hasalsotaken concrete actions against trade protectionism — theChinesegovernment recently sent Chinese enterprises onprocurementmissions to Europe and the United States.

  The economies of China and the E.U. have much to offer eachotherand our two-way trade holds a huge potential. The E.U. isnowChina"s largest trading partner and China is the secondlargesttrading partner of the E.U.

  China and the E.U. should make full use of the platformpresentedby the high-level economic dialogue to strengthencommunication andcooperation and jointly oppose tradeprotectionism. This wouldbetter enable us to tackle the currentcrisis and promote economicrecovery and growth. It would alsoreinforce the trend of economicglobalization and facilitates afurther growth of two-waytrade.

  The two sides should work actively to put in place theagreementreached at the G-20 summit in London, promote early,comprehensiveand balanced outcome in the WTO Doha roundnegotiations and upholdan open, fair and equitable internationaltrading regime. An earlyconclusion of the Doha round is of symbolicsignificance to curbingprotectionism.

  The two sides should further open markets to each other.Chinawill continue to lower the threshold for market access,improvetrade and investment environment and encourage Chineseenterprisesto increase procurement and imports from Europe.

  We hope the E.U. will relax restrictions on the exportsofhigh-tech products to China, enhance cooperation with China onthedevelopment and application of clean energy, new energyandrenewable energy and support cooperation among our smallandmedium-sized enterprises. Meanwhile, our two sides should stepupefforts to update the E.E.C.-China Trade and EconomicCooperationAgreement.

  The two sides should work in a cooperative spirit andproperlyresolve trade differences and disputes. Each side needs totakeproper care of its own interests. Yet, more importantly, bothsidesshould accommodate the concerns of the other, taking intofullaccount national conditions and their stage of development,andsteadily broaden the scope of our common interests.

  We should strengthen dialogue and consultation, refrainfromtaking protectionist measures and avoid politicizing tradeissues.China hopes that the E.U. will evaluate the conditions oftheChinese economy in an tive and unprejudiced manner andrecognizeChina"s full market economy status as soon aspossible.

  Trade liberalization was, is and will continue to be the onlywayto global economic prosperity. The Chinese side is ready toworkwith the E.U. and take effective measures to opposetradeprotectionism, promote better growth of China-E.U. tradeandjointly move the world economy out of the current difficultiesatan early date. (Wang Qishan is vice premier of the State CouncilofChina.)


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