新华网8月1日电 据Gizmodo报道,谷歌长期以来一直为网络中立原则摇旗呐喊,认为所有信息都应该得到平等对待。但谷歌现在已经成了网络服务提供商(ISP),这家公司的调调有点变了,而且这也不是第一次了。
这种方式是有危险的。首先,很明显谷歌不可能一边支持网络中立一边又违反这个原则,这很虚伪。其次,谷歌不能把其他 ISP的条款拿来作为屏蔽服务的理由(它对FCC的回应就是这么做的),而此前谷歌又一直和ISP斗争,反对他们侵害网络中立的潜在言论。这也是伪善的!
2013年5月:此前一段时间AT&T停止屏蔽FaceTime并允许Hangouts使用蜂窝网络。几个月后,AT&T很明显地屏蔽了谷歌Hangouts数据,这次谷歌也没有出声。重要的仍然是谷歌没有做什么,而不是它作了什么。“以前的谷歌可能会起来反抗,公开表示这是个问题。他们在这个问题上保持沉默,这对我来说是最大的忧虑。”支持网络中立的Free Press组织领导人德里克·特纳说。
Google"s Sordid History of Net Neutrality Hypocrisy
Google is a company that"s long stood up for the principles of net neutrality, the idea that all packets of information on the internet should be treated equally. But now that it"s an internet service provider, the company"s changing its tune. It"s not the first time.
Google"s stance on net neutrality is being called into question again this week after revelations that the company engaged in a little bit of doublespeak when it comes to the new Google Fiber network. Despite countless statements supporting net neutrality in the past, Google now forbids its new ISP customers from running servers on their home Fiber networks. This means that everything from a Minecraft server to a Slingbox would violate Google"s terms of service. This also runs in direct conflict with the principles of net neutrality, but Google doesn"t seem to think it"s a problem. After a potential customer filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission over the server clause in the terms of service, Google responded by saying that it was completely within its rights to block this behavior.
This is dicey for a few different reasons. First of all, the obvious: Google can"t exactly champion the principles of net neutrality on one hand and then sneak in a policy that violates those principles on the other. That"s hypocritical/ The company also can"t cite the policies of the other ISPs as justification for blocking the use of servers on its network as it did in its recent response to the FCC, after spending years standing up to those ISPs and their potentially anti-neutrality stances on internet regulation. That"s hypocritical, too!
But Google"s got a bit of a history when it comes to being hypocritical.
August 2010: In a move that was basically a white flag over its previous net neutrality efforts, the company famously forged a partnership with Verizon for a joint policy proposal that amounted to a give and take over net neutrality. Verizon committed to upholding the principles of net neutrality that Google prefers for the wired web, while Google agreed to far weaker regulation of wireless networks. This tradeoff probably seemed much more reasonable three years ago when mobile web traffic wasn"t on such a bull run. Either way, it was a clear example of Google folding its hand when it came to real challenges to net neutrality.
September 2012: Some say that Google"s hypocrisy on net neutrality is most noticeable when the company simply didn"t say anything at all. For example, Google didn"t say a word about AT&T blocking FaceTime over cellular connections, a move that had net neutrality advocates up in arms. Some might write this off as Google avoiding fighting Apple"s battles, but the fact of the matter is that these offenses against net neutrality affect every company.
May 2013: Google stayed silent a few months later, too, when AT&T appeared to be blocking the data stream for Google Hangouts on its network. This came after AT&T folded on its FaceTime blocking and supposedly allowed Hangouts over the cellular network. Again, it was less about what Google did than what it didn"t do. "The Google of old would"ve stood up and been public about there being a problem," Derek Turner, research director for the pro-Net Neutrality group Free Press, told Gizmodo. "Their silence to me on this issue is what"s worrying." (来源:新华国际)