孟买多起爆炸造成近200人死伤 |
| NEWS.SOHU.COM 2003年08月25日22:28 新华网 |
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8月25日,在印度最大金融商业城市孟买,警察和市民在一处爆炸现场观看。印度报业托拉斯称,孟买当天发生的多起爆炸造成至少42人死亡,150人受伤。 新华社发Police and people look on at the site of a bomb blast at Zaveri Bazar in Bombay, India, Monday, Aug. 25, 2003. The bombings killed at least 40 people and injured at least 150. The explosions came the same day as the release of a report of a disputed Hindu and Muslim religious site that has been linked to the previous Bombay blast. (AP Photo/Rajesh Nirgude) |