
建工出海 Construction Overseas丨出国干工程第一步:认识FIDIC

2012年3月,我从上海理工研究生毕业,入职上海建工海外部,公司的安排是8月份派往萨摩亚政府大楼和国家医疗中心 项目部,在这小半年时间的档口, 如何快速熟悉国际工程知识?王总监和沈总工不约而同地抛给我一套大部头:FIDIC!

In March 2012, I graduated from University of Shanghai for Science and Technology with a master's degree and joined Shanghai Construction Overseas. Company arranged for me to be sent to Samoa government building and National Medical Center project department in August. During this six-month period, how did I become familiar with international engineering knowledge quickly? Director Wang and General Engineer Shen coincidentally threw me a set of big books: FIDIC!

我们说的FIDIC,实际指的是 FIDIC机构发布的合同条件范本:

What we mean by FIDIC actually refers to the Contract Conditions Templatepublished by FIDIC institution:


FIDIC is the French abbreviation for Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils, and is the most authoritative organization in the field of international engineering project management. The FIDIC Contract Conditions Template is the fundamental framework for international engineering contracts.

  • 国际认可 Internationally Recognized


    It is widely recognized internationally, and international financial institutions such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, etc. use it as a contract template during bidding.

  • 标准统一 Standard Unified


    It provides a unified contract structure, principles, and basic content for construction projects in different countries and regions, reducing communication barriers and misunderstandings caused by cultural and legal differences.

  • 沟通 高效 Efficient Communication


    It uses the same professional language for contract preparation and project management, making communication between project stakeholders more accurate and efficient, and helping to solve problems that arise during project execution in time.

  • 公平公正 Fairness 它强调公平、公正的原则,对合同各方的权利、义务和责任进行了明确而合理的规定,有助于维护合同各方的合法权益,促进项目的顺利实施。 It emphasizes the principles of fairness and impartiality, and provides clear and reasonable provisions on the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of all parties to the contract, which helps to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties and promote the smooth implementation of the project.


As long as we participate in international engineering, FIDIC cannot be avoided.


FIDIC Contract Conditions Template is divided into multiple categories and distinguished by cover color:

  • 红皮书 Red Book

    《施工合同条件 Conditions of Contract for Construction》


    Suitable for traditional civil engineering, housing, and infrastructure construction projects

  • 黄皮书 Yellow Book

    《生产设备和设计一施工合同条件 Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build》


    Suitable for building and industrial construction projects with relatively more production equipment

  • 银皮书 Silver Book 《设计采购施工EPC/交钥匙工程合同条件 Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turkey Projects》 适用于工程总承包项目 Suitable for EPC projects
  • 绿皮书 Green Book简明合同格式 Short Form of Contract》适用于投资规模相对较小的民用和土木工程Suitable for civil and engineering projects with relatively small investment scales

早年间,中国建企出海,因为不重视FIDIC,国际工程上 还拿出国内工程一套做法,结果损失惨重,这些故事想必大家都有所耳闻,数以亿计的学费买来的教训: 出国干工程第一步要认识FIDIC。

In the early years, Chinese construction companies went abroad and did not attach importance to FIDIC. We adopted a set of domestic engineering practices in international engineering, resulting in heavy losses. These stories must have been heard by everyone. The lesson learned from billions of tuition fees is: the first step in overseas engineering is to understand FIDIC.

建工出海 Construction Overseas

栏目总编 Column Chief Editor

★ Janna 娜娜 ★


Ten years of building materials foreign trade experience

★ Sean 老胡 ★


Six years of overseas construction experience


This column aims to provide a communication platform for the overseas development of the construction industry under the new situation.返回搜狐,查看更多


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