
TED | 我在压力之下保持专注的秘诀


运动员通过训练去跑得更快,投得更远,跳得更高——那么为什么不同时训练他们的大脑呢?西雅图海鹰队四分卫拉塞尔 · 威尔逊讲述了帮助他在球场内外压力之下保持专注的 "中和思维” 的作用——并且展示了怎样运用这个思维在你的人生中做出正确的决定。



June 8, 2010, Russell Wilson, fourth-round pick to the Colorado Rockies baseball.2010 年 6 月 8 日,拉塞尔 · 威尔逊,在第四轮中被科罗拉多洛基棒球队选中。

I'm fired up, one of the highest moments of my life.我兴奋极了, 这是我人生最巅峰的时刻之一。

Every kid's dream to be drafted by a Major League Baseball team.每个孩子都梦想着入选美国职业棒球联盟(MLB)的球队。

June 8, 2010.2010年6月8日。

June 9, 2010 --2010年6月9日

The line goes flat.心电图变成了一条直线,

My dad passes away.我父亲去世了。

The highest of the high to the lowest of the low.人生的最高潮和人生的最低谷。

Just like that.生活就是这样。

My dad laying in his deathbed, just tears running down my face, you know, what do I do next?我的爸爸躺在他的灵床上,泪水从我的脸上划过,我下一步应该做什么?

My mind racing, memories, flashbacks, moments, early mornings, getting up, taking grounders and throwing,我的大脑在飞速运转 回忆那些记忆、时光、时刻,清晨,起床,做滚球和投掷的练习,

speed outs and deep post routes to my brother and my dad, to early morning car rides to AAU baseball, to my dad being the third-base coach.练习速度,与我的父亲和兄弟深入探讨路线,到清早驾车前往美国业余运动联盟(AAU)橄榄球队,我的父亲当时是三垒的教练。

Fast-forward to the championship high of winning a Super Bowl, holding up the Lombardi Trophy and the emotions and the excitement of it all,记忆快进到赢得超级碗的总冠军,举起隆巴迪奖杯,这些时刻的感触和兴奋,

blue and green confetti all over the place and knowing that you just won the Super Bowl, to a year later, the pressure of the game,满地的蓝色和绿色的纸片意识到你刚拿下了超级碗的冠军,再到一年之后,比赛的压力,

the ball on the one-yard line, and this is the chance to win the game, and it doesn't work.球正好压在一码线上,而这是一个可以赢得比赛的机会,但我搞砸了。

And however many millions and millions of people all over the world watching.然而全世界数以百万的人在观看这场比赛。

And having to walk to the media, and what do I say next, what do I do, what do I think?而我将必须面对媒体的采访,我将说什么?我将做什么,我将想什么?

Being married at a young age and just coming out of college and everything else, to, you know, shortly after, marriage not working out and realizing,年纪轻轻就结了婚,并且才刚刚大学毕业, 还有其他所有的事情,很快,你发现婚姻并不顺利,然后我才意识到,

you know what?知道吗?

Life happens.这就是生活。

Life happens, life happens to all of us.这就是生活, 并且生活对我们每个人都一视同仁。

Loss of family members, divorce, fear, pain, depression, concerns, worries.失去家人,离婚,恐惧,伤痛,消沉,纠结,担心。

When you think about being superpositive -- yes, I'm positive by nature, but positivity, you know, it doesn't always work,当你想保持超级乐观——是的,我天生是一个乐观的人,但是乐观,你知道, 事情不可能一直顺利,

because when you're down 16-nothing in an NFC championship game, and people are like, "Russ, we're not going to be able to win this game, man,因为当你在 NFC 冠军赛中 落后 16 支队伍时,人们就会说,"拉塞,我们赢不了这场比赛了,

it's not a great situation right now," or when you're facing cancer, or when you have things you have to deal with or finances and this and that,现在的情况并不乐观。" 或者当时面对癌症,或者当你必须去面对一些事情,或者不利的经济状况诸如此类,

like, how do we deal with it?我们该怎么办?

It's hard to be positive in the midst of it all.当你处于所有这些烦恼之中时是很难保持乐观的。

And what I definitely knew was this: that negativity works 100 percent of the time.而且,我可以肯定的是:这些时候人总是悲观的,

Negativity was going to get me nowhere.而悲观会让我无处可藏。

I started saying to myself, "New are his mercies every morning," new beginnings, new starts.我开始对自己说, "每一天醒来都是新的,"新的开始。

And despite hardship and pain and worries and wanting to get through it and "How do I do this?", I started thinking about a car.不去想困难、痛苦、担忧, 以及怎样摆脱它们,那么,“我该怎么做?”我开始思考汽车。

You know how when you drive a car, you've got stick shift and you want to shift to neutral?你知道当你在开车时,需要换挡,你想换到空挡?

You go from first gear to second gear, all the way to fifth?你从一挡换到二挡,一直换到五挡,

You've got to know how to shift to neutral.但是你必须要知道怎么换到空挡。

And I needed to shift to neutral immediately, before I crashed.我需要在被撞毁之前,换回空挡,

Sitting there after the Super Bowl, I had a decision to make: Will I let this define my career?在超级碗赛后,我坐在那里,我做了一个决定:我会让这次失败定义我的职业生涯吗?

Will I let it define my life?我会让它定义我的人生吗?

Hell, no.当然不会。

What I found out was this: that mindset is a skill.我发现的是:那个思维方式是一个技能,

It can be taught and learned.它可以学习和训练。

I started 10 years ago, training my mind, with this guy named Trevor Moawad, my mental conditioning coach.十年之前,我开始训练我的思维方式,和我的心理教练特雷弗 · 穆阿瓦德

He's been with me for 10 years, and we've been best friends and partners ever since.他指导我十年了,我们成为了最好的朋友和搭档。

As athletes, we train the body, we train ourselves to be able to run fast, throw farther, jump higher and do these different things,作为运动员,我们训练我们的身体,我们通过训练去跑得更快, 投得更远,跳得更高并且能够做到很多不同的事情,

but why don't we train our mind?但是我们为什么不训练我们的大脑呢?

What do you want your life to look like?你想让你的生活看起来是什么样子的?

Write it out, talk about it, say it.写下来,讲出来,说出来。

What's our language, what does it look like, watch these highlights, Russell, when you're in your best moments.我们的语言是什么, 它是什么样子的呢,看看这些高光的时刻,拉塞尔, 当你在你生命中最美好的时刻,

What does that look like?它们是什么样子的呢?

And be that, live that, sound like that.然后,就像那样,那样去生活,就像那样。

The best free throw shooters, they don't worry about the shot they just missed.最好的罚球手,他们不担心已经丢掉的球。

They think about this shot, this putt, this throw, this first down.他们只关心当下这一球,这一推,这一投,这一落地。

Then I met this kid Milton Wright, 19 years old, he had cancer three different times.当我见到这个19岁的孩子 米尔顿 · 怀特时,他经历过三次不同的癌症。

This day when I went to see him, he was frustrated, "Russ, I'm done, I don't want to do this anymore, it's my time to go."我去看他的那天,他很烦躁,"拉塞尔,我完了, 我不想再这么活着了,我想要离开了。"

I started telling him this story about my dad, how he used to say, "Son, why not you?我开始给他讲我爸爸的故事,他过去常说,“儿子,你为什么不?

Why don't you graduate early, play pro football and pro baseball?你为什么不早点毕业,为什么不打职业美式足球或者橄榄球?

Why not you, why not you?" I said, "Milton, why not you?你为什么不,你为什么不?”我说, “米尔顿,你为什么不?

If you tried T-cell therapy, and you try this and it doesn't work, you won't remember it." So Milton got a smile on his face and said,如果你尝试 T 细胞治疗,你尝试了却失败了,你不会记住这件事的。”然后,米尔顿笑了,他说,

"You're exactly right.“你说得没错。

Yes, I do have cancer, Russ.是的,我是得了癌症,拉塞尔。

But I can either let this kill me, not just physically, but I can also let it kill me emotionally and mentally.但是我要么让它结束我的生命,并不只是从身体上,也是从情绪和精神上打败我。

And I have a choice right now, in the midst of the problem, in the midst of the storm, to decide to overcome."然而,我现在还有一个选择, 在这个问题上,在这场风暴的中央,决定去与之对抗。”

One of the questions I always get asked about neutral thinking is this: "Does that mean I don't have any emotion?" And I always say, absolutely not.人们经常问我关于 “空档思维” 的一个问题是:"那意味着我没有情绪吗?"然而,我总是说,当然不是。

Yeah, we have emotions, we have real-life situations, we have things to deal with.是的,我们有情绪,我们现实生活中有种种状况,我们都有一些事情要去处理。

But what you have to be able to do is to stay focused on the moment and to not be superemotional.但是你要做的就是保持专注,并且不要过于情绪化。

It's OK to have emotions, but don't be emotional.有情绪没有关系,但是不要情绪化。

When people look at me, they see that I'm the highest-paid player in the NFL, they see that I have the girl and Ciara,当人们都看着我时,他们认为我是个高薪的 NFL 球员,他们看到我的女孩希亚拉,

that I have the family and this and that.我有家人,有这个,有那个,

But I still have real-life situations.但是我也有现实生活的烦恼。

We all do.我们都有。

We all have, you know, sadness and loss and depression and worries and fear.我们都有,伤心和失去,还有消沉、担忧和恐惧。

I didn't just get here.我不仅仅是到了这里。

What's the truth, and how do I come through this better?而真相是,我怎样更好的处理这些烦恼的?

And that's really, kind of, how my mind started shifting.那就是我的思维方式是怎样开始转换的。

It was not just on the success of it all or the failure of it, it was on the process, like: What is the next step, how do I do this right here, right now?它并不基于所有的成功,或者所有的失败,而是在于这个过程,比如:下一步是什么?我现在该怎么做?

We have a choice to make in life.我们在生活中需要去做一个选择。

And for me, when I was young and I didn't have much, I made a choice.对我而言,当我年轻, 我还没有很多东西的时候,我做了一个选择。

I made a choice that I was going to believe that great things were going to happen, that I was going to have my mindset right,我选择了去相信美好的事情会如期而至,相信我拥有正确的心态,

and I was going to have the right language and the right things to think about, which helped prepare me for today.我会选择正确的表达方式,以及能正确地去思考事情,正是这些成就了今天的我。

Because I'm just human.因为我只是一个普通人,

I just have the ability to throw the ball a long way and run around and make some cool and fun throws and make some people smile.我能做得只是把球扔得远远的,奔跑,并且投几个炫酷的球,给人们带去些欢乐。

But the reality is that I still have pressure, I still have worries, I still have fears, I still have things that happen.但真实的情况是我也有压力,我也有担心,我也有恐惧,我也遇到突发的状况,

Still have loss.也会有失去。

Positivity can be dangerous.乐观情绪也可能是危险的,

But what always works is negativity.但悲观情绪却总是存在的。

I never wanted to live in negativity, so I stayed in neutral.我不想活在悲观之中,所以我保持中立,

I kept my shift in neutral.我把档位保持在空档。

And so that's where I lived, and that's where I've been living ever since.所以那就是我现在的生活,那也是我一直以来生活的状态。


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