

Deciphering Natural Code: The Ruan YuHua Syndrome Is a Crucial Key Bases the Study Not Only on Upper Respiratory Infection, But on Involved or Predisposed Chronic Systemic Diseases


Yong Tan

20 October, 2024

Preface: Ruan YuHua syndrome (RS) superficially is a set of clinical manifestations presenting on subject which is the ethanol can be taken in by nasal mucosa on which, different gradient of osmolality can induce respectively phenotype of ethanol affecting Central Nervous System (CNS). From this pathogenesis, an novel transportation spanning between nose and cranial bottom thus we inferred in treating Long COVID is interest which transpires a process that the Upper Respiratory Infection (UPI) with which the nasal virus brings you, to which, how does it affect the Automatic Nervous System (ANS) of yours and its physiological functions involves automatically maintaining you in surviving and for which; in this prose, we will anatomize a stunning extra-transportation system (ETS) responsible to secure the energy of supplying ANS. And, by the way, how the URI develops conditions; on the perspective of realism, this revealed pathogenesis may render the chronic diseases occurring and development.


Keywords: Ruan YuHua Syndrome, Upper Respiratory Infection, Glucose, Glycolysis Metabolism, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Frozen Shoulder.


To elaborate this subject, we have briefly to have an anatomy on CNS nutrition circulation. According to our cramming [1]. The blood, heart pumps through arteries into cranium when till flowing in cranial capillary, which serum encounters with a biological barrier we call Blood-Brain-Barrier (BBB) it functions amounting to a sieve which pores only just permit nutriments entry into a pool filled with Cerebrospinal Fluid (CF); the other matters serum conveys, such as blood cells, platelet, neurotoxic agents, and pathogens all be forbidden.

想说清楚问题,首先我们短暂介绍中枢神经的滋养循环。 按照一贯的认知 【1】,血液由心脏经动脉灌入颅腔内,到了毛细血管阶段,经由生物筛子—血脑屏障过滤,营养物质进入一个大容器内,血浆其它成分,如血细胞、血小板、有毒物质或病原体被挡在门外。

It can be seen that the absolutely soft and vulnerable CNS is actually immersing in a nutrient fluid to exert their physiological function thorough body. The CF which dynamic is flowing from the surface of cerebrum down to lumbar where, BBB besides offering nutrition, also fulfills the final absorption to let metabolites yielded by CNS acquired back into circulatory system; the CNS alimentation circulation accomplishes. What is more, in order to take sample of CF for laboratory testing, lumbar is the relatively safe site for puncture with less adverse affection on body. The other sites are absolutely forbidden for probably severely hurt taking place on the nerves. For example, the cervical vertebra trauma can lead to patient to die in the case of hurt on medullas oblongata to cause the nuclei of cranial nerve X dysfunctions, or with loss the voluntary motion below neck.


Meanwhile, to human, another external danger imposed on whom from milieu how to evade is a vital option to survive. Take a man to hunter as being instance, as well as other species human have themselves a position in the food chain as either a predator or a prey. When in their hunting besides dedicatedly follows the trace prey left; however, concurrently, they must keep their vigilance on everything surrounding themselves on whom the supposed big cat, by bush, would pounce. Just as this reason, as long as smell a truce of danger, as alarm, it would scare human to escape from that site.


Inside the cranium of creatures, these basal ganglia, which compose the nucleus of ANS lying on the bottom of cranium responsible to an involuntary maintaining on metabolism all over the body other than skeletal muscles do with the voluntary motion; are required to engage in coordination. These neurons in ganglia thus are activated in excitement to demand their ganglions outside cranium further to up/downregulate the metabolism of involved organs aiming to reach body out in urgent response, fight or flight, is nothing to these nuclei but for employ them, body must be responsible for their instantly burden to whom their consuming energy giving rise, sharply increasing glucose embodies.


While drawing on BBB mechanism above-mentioned to supply glucose for the ANS, though there is less of literatures over estimating this subject, down the flowing router we can still deduce the job is not bad but apparently less of efficient to accommodate that urgent demand from ANS since we know glucose in CF which peak of concentration is always lagged to in serum [2]; second, in order to accelerate the CF flowing to raise intracranial stress also seems impractical for a threshold is over there, or cranial capillary would burst for over high blood pressure. The alternative addressing to collect an extra share of glucose becomes crucial key to survive creatures.


Talk in RS, as a pathogenesis, it shows ethanol mediated to irritate medulla oblongata with pain or cerebellum thus body loses more or less coordination in motion. Alternatively, in the case of considered as a physiological function, what does it transport? The answer may it be used to transfer glucose in tissue that near to cranial bottom to meet with the urgent demand from nucleus of ANS; i.e., RS is actually that ETS.


This novel physiological mechanism is readily to answer why the ANS would be damaged for patients with URI. These colonies of nasal virus likewise are capable of mediating glucose into cranium from nasal membrane for their causing inflammation as similar case in RS. Although glucose is a matter human uptake as the sort of energic material, yet the hyperglycemia can damage tissues, and the same does hyperglycorrhachia to CNS with neurotoxicity for which, there happens to two aspects: CF in hyperosmolality leads to either myelin sheath or neuron in atrophy; second, the lactate the metabolite of anaerobic glycolysis can precipitate.


Well, our hypothesis holding seems of less evidence. The first cause may be our bio-mark in CF with being upregulated; such tone likes sophism, at all events, it seems plausible for calling interrogation.


When we identify a cohort of subjects health for taking their sample of CF from lumbar, maybe we departed from a wrong premise--the definition on health the people are not more than one without symptoms of URI; whereas, it does not amount to no affection virus inhabiting in nasal membrane to impact CF. Whereas the case of subjects with URI, however, why the CF glucose presents nothing its concentration in fluctuating in testing even if there is obvious evidence to show viral invasion in CF [2]?


Therefore, we have to concern the challenge that lumbar may not be the unique site for final absorbing CF; maybe exists another one exclusively serves ETS.


An interesting disease which may decipher the code of that is the Frozen Shoulder (FS) be described scapulohumeral stiffness or pain inhibit arms motion [3]; even more patients initially merely complain on their neck posterior muscles in insistence accompanying with soreness both to stop their neck rotation upon either transverse plan, sagittal plan, or mixed. And, their conditional alleviation can be acquired with an extent in a short-term by massage or heating on neck lesion they suppose.

一个有趣的疾病可能可以解释这个现象,那就是“肩周炎”。它被描述为肩部肌肉僵硬或疼痛导致手臂活动受限或停止 【3】;更多的是病人感觉颈后肌肉有阻力并酸痛使得颈部转动受限。这个病可以短期通过按摩和热敷改善。

This condition can be cited that Despite over a hundred years of treating this condition the definition, diagnosis, pathology and most efficacious treatments are still largely unclear [4]. In [3] it counsels there is inflammation on joints nor does clarify what is matter to lead.

这个病被评为尽管一百年来的治疗和确诊,但依然搞不清病因 【4】。一般建议是关节 【3】周边发炎但引起发炎的物质不明。

Of cause, the condition presents with involved to skeletomuscular system, maybe on this ground, people for granted put their focus on patients’ history if they did over exercising, long-term wrong posture ever had kept; the existence of trauma or irritation. An inexplicable correlation is relevant to Diabetes Mellitus in 20% patients; moreover, while you find your shoulders frozen and in between the ages of 40 and 60, the peak incidence of age range; may be predisposed to prediabetic condition [4,5].

当然,疾病部位在骨骼肌很容易大家的视线会落在病人有过度活动或长时间保持错误姿势,创伤或被刺激到,等等。另一个无法解释的是该病与糖尿病关系密切,20%的病人同时患糖尿病;而且发病高峰年龄段在40~60岁。反过来,如果你患有,那么意味着你患糖尿病的可能性剧增 【4,5】。

Consider a case: shoulder muscles with higher lactate since an amount of acid compound being absorbed by BBB in cervical vertebra for access to circulatory system; to fulfill this process, maybe the higher concentration CO2 deposited in many of nasal sinus assists but so far it is sadness that the correlative pathogenesis has been unknown.


The FS has been actually a specific signal to alert the URI begin a progress of chronic impairment on these ganglia whereas, we have long to choose to rule out this message. On the other hand, to this case, the nasal viral disinfection is observed to always efficacious in dissipating the pain or stiffness at neck posterior, even to arm numb and results in a nice prognosis; concurrently, makes a corrective diagnosis about cause.


Consequently, underlaid by a novel neuropathological mechanism derived from RS that sounds a topic lesion on cranial bottom involved to disturb our metabolism. From now, we can have a clear cognization on some chronic diseases, such as hypertension, myalgia, malaise, fatigue, diabetes mellitus type II, sudden cardia death, …, involved to kidney, liver, or multi sclerosis, … all are likely concerned by involved to URI or other factors impairment on the cranial nerve X.



[1] Sweeney MD, Zhao Z, Montagne A, Nelson AR, Zlokovic BV. Blood-Brain Barrier: From Physiology to Disease and Back. Physiol Rev. 2019 Jan 1;99(1):21-78.

[2] BRIAN SHAHAN, et.al. Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis. Available till 16 Oct, 2024; https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2021/0401/p422.html

[3] Frozen Shoulder. Available till 16 Otc, 2024; https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/frozen-shoulder

[4] Le HV, Lee SJ, Nazarian A, Rodriguez EK. Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder: review of pathophysiology and current clinical treatments. Shoulder Elbow. 2017 Apr;9(2):75-84.

[5] Uppal HS, Evans JP, Smith C. Frozen shoulder: A systematic review of therapeutic options. World J Orthop. 2015 Mar 18;6(2):263-8.返回搜狐,查看更多


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