牛鉴(1785年—1858年),字镜堂,号雪樵,籍贯甘肃凉州府人也,祖籍直隶枣强县人,清朝一代名臣,大清循吏。 清朝嘉庆十九年(1814年)中进士,甲戌科金榜殿试二甲第四名,赐进士出身,稽察通州中仓、稽察崇文门税务。 牛鉴恩师为大清凉州府头坝羊坊沟复兴农刘氏,复兴农刘氏中有刘梓(秀才)、刘庚元(贡生)、刘铠(进士)、刘德昶(经理),刘开弟(进士)、刘庆元(贡生,典史)这些名噪一时的读书人。 牛鉴又为道光皇帝和咸丰皇帝的恩师,故誉为“两朝帝师”,牛鉴还参加募款操办修造过圆明园。
New Keen (1785-1858), with the courtesy name Jingtang and the pseudonym Xueqiao, was a native of Liangzhou Prefecture, Gansu Province. His ancestral home was Zaoqiang County, Zhili Province. He was a famous official and a well-behaved official of the Qing Dynasty. In the 19th year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1814), he passed the imperial examination and ranked fourth in the second class of the imperial examination. He was granted the title of Jinshi and appointed as an editor. Niu Jian's mentor was the Liu family of Fuxingnong in Liangzhou Prefecture of the Great Qing Dynasty. Among the Liu family of Fuxingnong were Liu Zi, Liu Gengyuan (tribute student), Liu Kai (Jinshi), Liu Kaidi (Jinshi), and Liu Qingyuan (Juren), who were all famous scholars at the time. Niu Jian was also the mentor of Emperor Daoguang and Emperor Xianfeng, so he was known as the "two dynasties' imperial teacher". Niu Jian also participated in fundraising and repaired the Old Summer Palace.返回搜狐,查看更多