A civilisation is a river of memories and inheritance, and a museum is their palace. The Hubei Provincial Museum (HBPM) is located on the shore of the scenic East Lake. It is one of the eight Chinese museums jointly built by the central and local governments as well as a comprehensive museum that is the biggest in scale and boasts the largest collection of cultural relics in the province. It adheres to the functions of education, research and appreciation and serves the purposes of collection and preservation while acting as a public welfare institution to show the witnesses of human activity and natural evolution to the public. It is always committed to passing on and carrying forward excellent Chinese culture and strives to build itself into a window to Jing-Chu civilisation and a channel of communication for Jing-Chu culture.
合署办公的湖北省文物考古研究所是中国南方规模最大、技术力量最为雄厚的考古专业研究机构之一,承担全省考古发掘、研究与文物保护的工作任务,迄今已取得了 屈家岭、 石家河、盘龙城、铜绿山、 曾侯乙、 纪南城、睡虎地等七项 “20世纪中国百大考古新发现”,郧县人、辽瓦店子、叶家山、郭家庙、文峰塔等七项“全国十大考古新发现”的殊荣。
The Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (HBPICRA), co-located with the museum, is one of the largest and technologically strongest professional archaeological research institutions in southernChina. The institute is responsible for excavating, studying and protecting cultural relics from throughout the whole province. It has so far discovered the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng as well as the Qujialing, Shijiahe, Panlongcheng, Tonglushan, Ji'nancheng and Shuihudi sites, which are inscribed on the list of ' China's 100 major archaeological discoveries in the 20th century' , and it has also made seven other important discoveries such as theYunxian Man, Liaowadianzi, Yejiashan, Guojiamiao and Wenfengta sites, which are included on the list of 'China's top-ten new archaeological discoveries'.
长江、 汉水交汇和贯通南北、连接东西的独特区位,孕育了湖北大地灿烂的文明,也赐予了湖北省博物馆丰富的馆藏, 这些璀璨的文物正是 中国古代文明辉煌成就的鲜活展示。而如 越王勾践剑、 曾侯乙编钟为代表的 国宝级文物更是不可复制、绝无仅有,反映了湖北地区独特的历史文化风貌。
HubeiProvince sprawls from north to south and connects east with west. Nurtured by the Yangtze and one of its major tributaries, the Hanshui River, the province has developed a splendid civilisation, and the HBPM boasts an eclecticcollection of cultural relics.
馆藏文物以 出土文物为主体,有24万余件。世界上最庞大的 青铜乐器曾侯乙编钟,中国冷兵器时代的翘楚之作 越王勾践剑,盘龙城商代最大的玉戈,距今百万年的郧县人头骨化石等,蜚声中外;更为难得的是体系化的馆藏特色,以石家河陶器、玉器为代表的 史前文明系列,以青铜、漆木器为代表的楚文化与曾文化系列,以云梦睡虎地秦简为代表的秦汉漆木器、 简牍系列,以及明代藩王墓出土的金银器和珠宝系列。共有国家一级文物945件(套),国宝级文物16件(套), 藏品数量和质量都居全国同类博物馆前列,在国际上享有广泛声誉。
These cultural relics, most of which have been excavated from under the earth, exceed 240,000 articles. They include the chime bells of Marquis Yi of Zeng, the world's largest set of bronze musical instruments; the sword of King Goujian of Yue, the most representative piece of military gear in the Chinese cold weapon era; the biggest jadedagger-axe of the Shang dynasty unearthed from the Panlongcheng site; and the Yunxian Man skullfossils that date back to millions of years ago and that are now famous at home and abroad. More impressively, the collection forms a system of several series, namely the series of prehistoric civilisation represented by the pottery and jade articles from the Shijiahe site, the series of Chu and Zeng cultures represented by bronze and lacquer-wood objects, the series of the Qin and Han dynasties represented by lacquer-wood artefacts and bamboo slips from the Shuihudi site in Yunmeng County, and the series of gold and silver works and jewels from the military governors' tombs of the Ming dynasty. The HBPM houses 945 pieces (or sets) of national first-class cultural relics and 16 pieces (or sets) of national treasure-class cultural relics, leading domestic peers with both the quantity and the quality of its collection and enjoying a widespread international reputation as well.
郧县人头骨化石 图/央视网
馆藏精品有:郧县人头骨化石,距今100万年,属 直立人,1989年和1990年在湖北省郧县出土。“太阳人”石刻,距今7000余年,这是中国境内已知最早的一件新石器时代的太阳图腾崇拜文物。 石家河玉龙,新石器时代,1988年肖家屋脊出土,是石家河遗址迄今所见唯一的一件逼真 C形龙。 盘龙城大玉戈,商代早期,1974年盘龙城遗址李家嘴3号墓出土,长94厘米,是迄今发现最大的商代玉戈。崇阳铜鼓 ,商代,1977年湖北崇阳汪家嘴出土,这种类型的鼓目前国内仅存一件。
Some of the HBPM's most valuable artefacts are as follows: the Yunxian Man skull fossilsbelonging to Homo erectus one million years ago and unearthed from Yunxian County, Hubei Province, in 1989and 1990;the more than 7,000 years old 'Sun Man' stone carving ,the earliest evidence of sun totem worship that has ever been discovered in the Neolithic Age of China ; the Shijiahe jade dragonof the Neolithic Age unearthed from Xiaojia Wuji in 1988,the only C-shaped dragon ever discovered on the Shijiahe site; the 94-centimetre-long jade dagger-axe of the early Shang dynasty unearthed from Lijiazui M3 tomb of the Panlongcheng site in 1974, the biggest jade dagger-axeof the same dynasty discovered so far; the Chongyang bronze drumof the Shang dynasty unearthed from Wangjiazui of Chongyang County, Hubei Province, in 1977, the only existing drum of this type in the country.
越王勾践剑 图/武汉东湖
越王勾践剑, 春秋晚期,1965年湖北江陵望山1号墓出土,正面近格处有“越王勾践自作用剑”的铭文,被誉为“ 天下第一剑”。 吴王夫差矛,春秋末期,1983年江陵县马山5号墓出土,冶铸精良,花纹优雅,铸有“吴王 夫差自作用鈼(矛)”的错金铭文,可与越王勾践剑媲美。 曾侯乙编钟, 战国早期,1978年湖北随县曾侯乙墓出土,是目前中国考古出土数量最多、规模最大、音乐性能最好、保存最完整的 编钟,全套编钟65件,用 青铜5吨;同出的 曾侯乙编磬,共有磬块32件,音域跨三个八度,十二律齐备,音色清脆明亮,钟、磬合奏“金石之声”,钟、磬共铸有音乐铭文4567字,改写了世界音乐史。
The sword of King Goujian of Yue, dating back to the late Spring and Autumn Period, unearthed from Wangshan M1 tomb in Jiangling County, Hubei Province, in 1965, which bears the inion of 'King Goujian of Yue made this sword for his personal use' and is known as one of 'the most famous swords in the world'; and the spear of King Fuchai of Wu, which dates back to the late Spring and Autumn Period, unearthed from Mashan M5 tomb in Jiangling County, Hubei Province, in 1983, perfect in workmanship and comparable to the sword of King Goujian of Yue, bearing elegant patterns and the inlaid gold inion of 'King Fuchai of Wu made this spear for his personal use'. Then there are the chime bells(bianzhong) of Marquis Yi of Zeng, dating back to the early Warring States Period, unearthed in 1978 from the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zengin Suixian County, Hubei Province; among all of the chime bell sets ever excavated by archaeologists in China, this set is the largest in quantity, the biggest in scale, the greatest in performance and the best in preservation. The whole set consists of 65 chime bells, which were cast with five tonnes of bronze. The chime stones(bianqing) of Marquis Yi of Zeng, excavated from the same tomb, consists of 32 pieces; the whole set has a range of three octaves, covers 12 tonalities and produces a bright ringing timbre. The chime bells and chime stones form an 'ensemble of bronze and stone'(Jinshi Zhisheng). They bear inions of 4,567 characters in total, and their discovery has rewritten world music history.
曾侯乙尊盘,精湛繁缛,先秦时期的青铜铸造工艺的巅峰之作。曾侯乙金盏,重2156克,它是已出土先秦金器中最大、最重的一件。曾侯乙十六节龙纹玉佩,构造精巧,是先秦玉器中的极品。曾侯乙“二十八宿图”木衣箱,衣箱盖面正中写有粗大的篆文“斗”字,象征 北斗七星;环绕斗字,依次书写二十八星宿的古代名称,两边分别绘有象征东方的 苍龙、象征西方的 白虎形象,表明战国早期以前我国就已存在完整的二十八宿观象体系,并具有自己的鲜明特点。
The list continues with the wine vesseland its matching tray unearthed from the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng, which are exquisite and meticulous and represent the pinnacle of the bronze casting process in the pre-Qin period; the gold cup of Marquis Yi of Zeng, weighing 2,156 grams, the biggest and heaviest gold object of the pre-Qin period that has ever been unearthed; and the ingeniously structured 16-joint jade pendant with dragon pattern of Marquis Yi of Zeng, a none such among pre-Qin jade articles. Of special note is the wooden trunk with the pattern of 28 constellations, unearthed from the same tomb, bearing in the middle of its lid a bold seal- character pronounced Dou (meaning 'the Big Dipper'), which is surrounded in proper order with the ancient names of 28 constellations. The two sides are painted with a black dragon and a white tiger , indicating that before the early Warring States, China had already established a complete astronomical observation system of 28 constellations with its own characteristics.
彩绘人物车马出行图圆奁 图/湖北省博物馆
彩绘人物车马出行图圆奁,战国中晚期,1987年荆门包山2号墓出土,是目前中国最早的一幅通景画。彩绘木雕小座屏,战国中晚期,1965年湖北江陵望山1号墓出土,是 楚国漆器工艺的代表作品。 郭店楚简《老子》乙、《 太一生水》 ,战国中晚期,1993年湖北省荆门郭店1号墓出土,是目前发现最早的 道教典籍。 云梦秦简,1100余枚, 秦代,1975年云梦睡虎地出土,是迄今发现数量最多、体系最完善的秦代法律文书档案。
The round cosmetic case Lian painted with coloured figures, horses, and cartsdating back to the middle and late Warring States Period was unearthed in 1987 from Baoshan M2 tomb in Jingmen City, and is the earliest scenic illusion painting discovered so far in China.The small painted and carved wooden rack for Se(a zither-like plucked instrument with strings),dating back to the middle and late Warring States Period, was unearthed from Wangshan M1 tomb in Jiangling County, Hubei Province, in 1965, and is a representative lacquerware of the State of Chu. The bamboo slips of Lao Tzu(B) and Taiyi Shengshui of the State of Chu, dating back to the middle and late Warring States Period, were unearthed in 1993 from Guodian M1 tomb in Jingmen City, Hubei Province, and are the earliest Taoist classics ever discovered. The Qin bamboo slips, consisting of more than 1,100 pieces, were unearthed in 1975 from the Shuihudi site in Yunmeng County and are the largest in quantity and the most systematic among all legal documentary archives of late Warring States Period to the reign of Qin Shi Huang(first emperor of China) discovered up to today.
青花四爱图 梅瓶, 元代,2006年钟祥市郢靖王墓出土,梅瓶腹部分别绘 王羲之爱兰图, 陶渊明爱菊图, 周敦颐爱莲图, 林和靖爱梅、鹤图。 金镶宝石帽顶,明代,2001年湖北钟祥梁庄王墓出土,顶端镶有1颗约200克拉的无色蓝宝石,是目前考古发现最大的蓝宝石。金锭,明代,2001年湖北钟祥梁庄王墓出土,共两件,其中一件有“西洋等处买到”铭文,是郑和下西洋的重要物证。高上玉皇本行集经,明代,经文以黄金调制的金墨泥汁书于瓷青纸,颁赐武当山紫霄宫保存,极为珍贵。针灸铜人像,明代,馆藏传世文物,是我国仅存的三件明代针灸铜人之一。
The blue-and-white' four loves' porcelain vaseof the Yuan dynasty was unearthed in 2006 from the tomb of Prince Jing of Ying in Zhongxiang City; the paintings on its sides depict Wang Xizhi's love of orchids, Tao Yuanming's love of chrysanthemums, Zhou Dunyi's love of lotuses and Lin Hejing's love of plum trees and cranes. The gold and sapphire-inlaid hattopof the Ming dynasty was unearthed in 2001 from the tomb of Prince Zhuang of Liang in Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province, and is inset with a200-odd-carat white sapphire, the largest ever sapphire discovered in archaeology. The two gold ingotsof the Ming dynasty were also unearthed in 2001 from the tomb of Prince Zhuang of Liang in Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province; one of them bears the inion of 'purchased at different places from Xiyang(the Indian Ocean Coastal area and the Southeast Asia to the west of Borneo )'and is important material evidence of Zheng He's Maritime Expeditions. The extremely precious Gaoshang Yuhuang Benxing Jijingof the Ming dynasty was written on porcelain-blue paper in ink mixed with gold powder and was conferred to Zixiao Palace on Mt Wudang for preservation. The bronze acupuncture figureof the Ming dynasty is a supreme handed-down treasure of the HBPM, and only two other such figures of the same period still exist in China.
曾侯乙“二十八宿图”木衣箱 图/湖北省博物馆
The main buildings of the HBPM have a strong Chu-culture flavour. The construction will be carried out in three phases. When completed, it is expected to cover a floor area of 110,000 square metres and to provide an exhibition area of 30,000-plus square metres. The exhibitions aim to 'manifest the charming Jing-Chu culture, showcase the development of civilisation in Hubei Province, highlight the characteristic collection of cultural relics, and reflect the latest academic research findings'. Taking advantage of our numerous archaeological achievements and distinctive, eclectic collection of cultural relics, we offer exhibitions on specific themesas well as those on general history.
The thematic exhibitions focus on major archaeological discoveries with profound local characteristics, such as the cultural relics of the State of Chu, musical artefacts, the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng, the tomb of Prince Zhuang of Liang and the sword of King Goujian of Yue. The exhibitions on general history, featuring Shijiahe of the prehistoric era, Panlongcheng of the Shang dynasty, bamboo slips of the State of Chu and the Qin dynasty, cultural relics of the Three Kingdoms Period, and those left by the military governors of the Ming dynasty as well as displays regarding the Hubei New Policy, the 1911 Xinhai Revolution and other historical events, serve to systematically outline the province's ancient civilisation and modern development.
云梦秦简 图/湖北省博物馆
The HBPM is open to the general public. While constantly improving our basic exhibitions, we introduce more than a dozen temporary or special exhibitions with distinctive characteristics every year to meet the varied demand of the audience, provide the public with better services and show the community an ever newer look.
A museum should be a permanent public welfare institution that is non-profit and open to the public and serves society as well as its development. In November 2007, the HBPM took the lead to open its door to the general public free of charge. Afterwards, all of the other Chinese museums followed suit to provide free admission so that more people could share the fruits of China's reform and development. Keeping abreast with the times and forging ahead with determination, we must continue to benefit people with museum culture and further contribute towards the promotion of museum undertakings.
A museum is not only a preserver and recorder of history, but also a witness and participant of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We will work hard to explore new development models for our museum and take serving the people and society as the starting point and goal of our work. We will make our museum better serve the community, provide greater experiences and be more approachable, appealing and creative. We will provide audiences with diversified cultural services to meet their spiritual and cultural needs. We will help people to form a habit of visiting museums and experiencing splendid traditional culture in their everyday lives and see that everyone shares in the fruits of museum development.
We sincerely invite you to step into the HBPM to explore the Jing-Chu civilisation and experience the beauty of history.
来源 /湖北文旅