武当山,位于湖北省西北部,是著名的 道教圣地。道教是中国传统文化的根柢,道教的核心是尊道贵德,以长生求仙为追求目标,以修炼丹药为修道途径,以符箓斋醮为拯救手段, 这些都成为中国传统文化不可分割的部分并影响至今。
Wudang Mountain,located in the northwest of HubeiProvince, is a famous Taoist holy land. Taoism is the root of Chinese traditional culture. It stresses Tao and Teh and pursues longevity and immortality.Practitioners concoct pills of immortalityas a means of cultivation and use Fulu talismans and Zhaijiao ('fasting and offering')rituals to dispelevil spirits and heal the sick. These have become an inseparable part of Chinese traditional culture, and their influenceis still felt today.
楚地是道教的主要发源地,先秦时期,楚地已有原始道教,为道教形成奠定了基础。道教发展到元明时期,吸收佛教、 儒家某些精神的全真道得到朝廷支持, 天师道等教派则合并为 正一道,形成道教全真、 正一两大派的格局。 明成祖自认为是 真武大帝的化身,大力扶持 武当全真派,并以武当山为皇家道场。武当山保存了迄今为止中国最大的气势磅礴的道教古建筑群,被 联合国教科文组织列入《世界文化遗产名录》。武当山许多珍贵的道教文物被 湖北省博物馆收藏。
The territory of Chu is animportantbirthplaceof Taoism.In the pre-Qin period, primitive Taoism already emerged in the territory of Chu, which laid a foundation for the formation of Taoism. By the Yuan and Ming dynasties, there co-existedtwo major schools of Taoism: the Quanzhen School, which borrowed some ideas of Buddhism and Confucianism andwon the support of the imperial court,and the Zhengyi School, which was combined by the Tianshi School and other schools.Emperor Chengzu of Ming considered himself the embodiment of Zhenwu Dadi ('True Warrior Great Deity').He vigorously supported the Quanzhen School of Taoism and established an imperial Taoist temple on Wudang mountain. Today, WudangMountain is still home to the largest and most magnificent ancient Taoist complex in China, whichis inscribed on UNESCO's World Cultural Heritage List. Many precious Taoist artefacts from WudangMountainhave been collected by the HBPM.
Gilt red copperXuanwu ('Dark Warrior')
明代,通高47厘米,长63厘米,宽44.5厘米。这件器物为 紫铜鎏金,部分金已脱落。 玄武为 龟蛇合体,造型精美奇特,一条蛇紧紧缠绕着一只乌龟,蛇的身体从龟的腹部绕过,蛇尾与龟尾缠在一起,蛇头耸立,俯视欲下。而乌龟任由蛇缠在它的身上,并且龟头朝后扬起,朝上斜视,呈现出龟和蛇四目相持的样子,生动壮观。这件鎏金铜玄武,铸造于明代 永乐年间。原置于 武当山紫霄宫,1959年为湖北省博物馆收藏。
This artefact dates back to the Ming dynasty.It is 47 centimetres tall, 63 centimetres longand 44.5 centimetres wide.It is made of redcopper and plated with gold, but the gold has partly fallen off. The Xuanwu ('DarkWarrior') is a combination of a tortoise and a snake. The artefact is lifelike, exquisite and uniquely shaped. The snake tightly wrap sitself around the tortoise, passes its body under the tortoise'sbelly and entwinesits tail with the tortoise tail. It lifts the head high up and looks down, as if it is ready to attack. The tortoise bends its head backwards and squints up so that its eyes meet those of the snake. This giltred copper Dark Warrior was cast under the reign of Yongle during the Ming dynasty. It was originally placed in Zixiao Palace on Wudang mountain and was collected by the HBPM in 1959.
Red coppersitting statue of Zhenwu Dadi
('True Warrior Great Deity')
明代。高37厘米,宽26.7厘米。铜铸。造型披发跣足,身着龙袍,腰系玉带,右手抚膝,左手掐 真武诀。真武大帝又称 玄天上帝、祐圣真君玄天上帝,民间称荡魔天尊。他兼有北方神、司命神、 水神特征,并是阴阳演化万物的象征。史载, 成祖起兵靖难,问 姚广孝何时,姚未答,至起兵前一日,姚说明日招天兵可也。次日,人们见空中有甲兵、玄武像,“成祖即披发仗剑应之”(《鸿酋录》卷七)。
This statue dates back to the Ming dynasty. It is 37centimetres tall and 26.7 centimetres wide. It is cast with red copper. Zhenwu Dadi is bare-footed, with his hair at the back of his head.He wears a dragon robe and a jade belt.His right hand rests on his knee, and his left hand is makinga finger gesture indicative of anincantation. Zhenwu Dadiis also known as Xuantian Shangdi ('Dark Heavenly Highest Deity'),Yousheng Zhenjun Xuantian Shangdi or Dangmo Tianzun. He is considered the god of the north, the god of destiny and the god of water and is a symbol of the evolution of all things. According to historical records, when the usurping Emperor Chengzu of Ming asked Yao Guangxiao when it would be the right time to launch the Jingnan Campaign against his nephew, Yao did not give an answer.Sometime later, Yao said to Emperor Chengzu, 'You cansummon celestial soldiers tomorrow.' The next day, armoured soldiers and Zhengwu Dali were seen in the air, so 'Emperor Chengzu untied his hair and pulled out a sword to launch the Jingnan Campaign' (Hong Qiu Lu,Volume VII).
铜鎏金 孙思邈坐像
Gilt red copper sitting statue of Sun Simiao
明代。通高48.3厘米。铜铸鎏金。坐姿。头戴长脚幞头,身着官袍,腰系玉带。右手抚带,左手下垂内置于左腿,右足下卧一伏虎。坐像后背刻有铭文:“一八两二寸。造药王金身。李忠发心保安信士三月二十一日吉旦。 嘉靖三十七年十一月。皇上。”
This statue dates back to the Ming dynasty. It is 48.3 centimetres tall.The statue is cast with red copper and plated with gold. Sun Simiao sits in a chair. He wears a long-footed Futou hat, an official gown and a jade belt. His right hand holds the belt, and his left hand restson his left leg.A tiger is lying against his right foot. The inionon the back of the sitting statue reads,'This gilt statue of the king of medicine is eighteen inches and two tenths tall. It was donated by Li Zhongon the twenty-first day of the third month to protect Taoist believers,and it was cast in theeleventh month of the thirty-seventh year of the reign of Jiajing [1559].'
孙思邈, 唐代京兆华原(陕西耀县)人,是道士兼名医,所著《千金要方》《 千金翼方》是我国最早的临床医学百科全书,《太清丹经要诀》是唐代炼制 外丹代表作。 宋徽宗敕封其为“妙应真人”,后被尊为“ 药王”。民间传说他为受伤之虎实行救治。本件为李忠发心愿为保安道教信徒所造。
Sun Simiao,a native of Huayuan of Jingzhao (Yaoxian County, Shaanxi Province),was a Taoist priest and famous doctor during the Tang dynasty. Among his books,the Qianjin Yaofang and Qianjin Yifang are China's earliest encyclopaedias of clinical medicine,and Tai Qing Dan Jing Yao Jue is a representative book on the concoction of pills for immortality duringthe Tang dynasty. Emperor Huizong of Song conferred on him the title of Miao YingImmortal.Later, he was honoured as the king of medicine. A folk story has it that he treated an injured tiger. This statue was donated by Li Zhong to protect Taoist believers.
明代。馆藏传世文物。通高86.5厘米,身高76厘米。铜人为青铜铸造,明代风格。形象为裸体童子,无发,两眼平视。右手下垂,掌心向外。左手上举,手掌中指、小指竖起,拇指、食指、无名指弯曲。左膝跪于铁柱上,右脚踏在可绕铁柱旋转的转盘上,以便观察其身体前后的穴位。这件针灸铜人是仅存的三件明代针灸铜人之一。针灸铜人像既是针灸教学的道具,又是考核针灸医生的模型。始创于宋天圣四年(1026年),是 北宋医家 王惟一总结前人经验,为提高针灸教学效果而主持设计制造的。体表刻有经络和腧穴名称,胸膜腔有脏器,中空。它对于研究明代针灸技术的发展有着重要的参考价值。
This statue dates back to the Ming dynasty and has been handed down through generations. It has a total height of 86.5 centimetres,and the bronze figure is 76 centimetres tall.The statue is cast in bronze in the style of the Ming dynasty. It features a hairless nude boy wholookslook at the front horizontally. His right hand droops, and his palm is turned outward. He is liftinghisleft hand, pointing his middle and little finger upward and bending his thumb, index finger and ringfinger. He is resting his left knee on an iron column and is setting his right foot on aplate that can turn around the iron column so that acupuncture points all over the body can be easily observed. This is one of the three existing bronze acupuncture statues of the Ming dynasty. The bronze acupuncture statue is both an aid for teaching acupuncture and a model to assessthe qualifications of acupuncturists. The first bronze acupuncture statue was castin the fourth year of the reign of Tiansheng during the Northern Song dynasty(1026). To improve the teaching of acupuncture, a physician named Wang Weiyisummed up the experience of his predecessors and designed the bronze acupuncture statue. The statue surface is engraved with the names of meridians and acupoints. The pleural cavity is hollow, with internal organs inside. It is of important referential value for studying the development of acupuncture during the Ming dynasty.
Gaoshang Yuhuang Benxing Jijing
明代。长37.6厘米,宽25.3厘米。经文以黄金调制的 金墨泥汁书于瓷青纸,三卷。明正统年间(1436—1449),翰林院制作《 玉皇经》三套,本件颁赐武当山紫霄宫得以保存,极为珍贵。
This ure dates back to the Ming dynasty and comes in three volumes. Each of them is 37.6 centimetres long and 25.3 centimetres wide. The characters are written on porcelain-blue paper in gold ink. Under thereign of Zhengtong duringthe Ming dynasty (1436–1449), the Imperial Academy printed three sets. This set was awarded to Zixiao Palace on Wudang Mountain and has been preserved to this today, making it extremely precious.
《高上玉皇本行集经》简称《玉皇经》,分《清微天宫神通品》《太上光明圆满大神咒品》《玉皇功德品》《天真护持品》《报应神验品》五品,分别论说 玉皇修道证果、授 五方天帝神咒、玉皇经咒之功德、诵经者所受庇护和谤者的业报,是道教的基本经典之一。
The Gaoshang Yuhuang Benxing Jijing is also referred to as the Yuhuang Jing.It consists of five parts, namely QingWei TianGong ShenTong Pin, Tai Shang GuangMing YuanMan Da Shen Zhou Pin, Yu Huang Gong De Pin, Tian Zhen Hu Chi Pin and Bao Ying Shen Yan Pin.They respectively elaborate on the cultivation and enlightment of the Jade Emperor, the mantras of five celestial emperors, the effect of the Jade Emperor's ures and mantras,the blessings for those who chant Taoist ures and the retributions for those who ridicule Taoist ures. It is one of the fundamental ures of Taoism.
来源 /湖北文旅