1955 大话原子人之怪兽娶亲 Bride of the Monster
1957 大战螃蟹魔王 Attack of the Crab Monsters
1958 女巨人复仇记 Attack of the 50 Foot Woman
1961 鬼海怪物 Creature from the Haunted Sea
1961 月球上的*体 NUDE ON THE MOON
1962 西部野*女 Wild Gals of the Naked West
1964 混乱僵尸 The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies!
1964 混世女魔星 Kitten with a Whip
1964 最先登上月球的人 First Men in the Moon
1965 坏女孩下地狱 Bad Girls Go to Hell
1965 科学怪人遇到太空怪兽 Frankenstein Meets the Spacemonster
1965 狂暴怪物大进攻 Monster a-Go Go
1965 死灵狂* Orgy of the Dead
1966 比利小子与吸血鬼 Billy the Kid versus Dracula
1967 触*她的躯壳 The Touch of Her Flesh
1967 史前的女人们 Prehistoric Women
1968 闹着玩 Just for the Hell of It
1968 诅咒她的*壳 The Curse of Her Flesh
1969 鬼神博士 The Astro-Zombies
1970 疯狂人生 Multiple Maniacs
1970 迈拉·布来金里治 Myra Breckinridge
1971 毒气 Gas-s-s-s
1971 杰凯尔博士和海德姐姐 Dr Jekyll & Sister Hyde
1972 吸血黑王子 Blacula
1972 小心幽浮魔點 Beware! The Blob
1972 一个美国嬉皮士在以色列 Ha-Trempist
1972 魔兔之夜 Night of the Lepus
1974 落魄贵妇与她的畸形儿 The Sinful Dwarf
1974 死亡武器 Deadly Weapons
1974 它是活* It's Alive
1975 惊天雷 Thundercrack!
1976 赤*快*之奇异旅店 A Estranha Hospedaria dos Prazeres
1976 吸血怪魔 Bloodsucking Freaks
1978 *人番茄 Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
1979 吓破胆 Tourist Trap
1979 摇滚学校 Rock 'n' Roll High School
1980 禁区 Forbidden Zone
1981 学生闹翻天 Student Bodies
1982 电*狂魔 The Slumber Party Massacre
1983 微波大** Microwave Massacre
1983 血块血*女 The Gore-Gore Girls
1983 血腥*亡营 Sleepaway Camp
1984 尘土中的*望 Lust in the Dust
1984 毒*复仇 The Toxic Avenger
1985 异形大灾难 The Stuff
1986 露露会说话的** El Ojete De Lulu
1987 冲浪**必* Surf Nazis Must Die
1987 破胆三次3 The Howling III The Marsupials
1987 *人狂恋爱中 Psychos in Love
1987 睡衣晚会大**2 Slumber Party Massacre II
1987 死亡电视 The Video Dead
1988 猛鬼*人 Night of the Demons
1988 女生联谊会的美女粘球 Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama
1988 外太空**小丑 Killer Klowns from Outer Space
1988 *餐车 Blood Diner
1989 淘气后妈 Wicked Stepmother
1989 垃圾街 Street Trash
1990 疯狂肥宝综艺秀 Meet the Feebles
1990 机械威龙 Robot Jox
1990 科学怪* Frankenhooker
1990 两个辘逐个捉 I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle
1991 无路可逃 Theres Nothing Out There
1991 吸血的法老在匹兹堡 Bloodsucking Pharaohs in Pittsburgh
1994 猎巫 Witch Hunt
1996 洪荒浩劫 One Million Years B.C
1996 一家之主 Head of the Family
2000 九九九玉女寻凶 Psycho Beach Party
2004 尸*研磨机 The Corpse Grinders
2006 活死*的攻击 Poultrygeist Night of the Chicken Dead
2009 跳跃剪接 Smash Cut