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Motorola wins US$35M contract  (ChinaOnline,2000/07/01,12:07)
Motorola announced on June 29 that it won a US$53 million contract from Zhejiang Mobile Communications Corp. to deploy the first GSM 1800 mobile phone network in Zhejiang province.

AsiaVOL access e-mail via a regular phone line  (ChinaOnline,2000/07/01,11:57)
Asia Voice On Line, announced it had successfully developed the world? first Chinese-language voice-access gateway to the Internet.

Mobile phone users talk on the Internet  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/30,14:25)
GWcom Inc., a wireless information technology company, announced a deal with Suntek Information Enterprises that will enable mobile phone users to listen and talk to the Internet from 50 major cities.

Motorola Semiconductors establish network lab  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/30,14:15)
Start Computer and Motorola Semiconductor Products announced in Fuzhou in the Fujian province on June 26 the joint establishment of the Start-Motorola Communications Network United Lab.

US$25 million Nokia wireless joint venture  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/29,07:35)
China has a new wireless telecom joint venture, the Dalian NEU-ALPINE Nokia Telecommunications Co.

Siemens invests $1 billion in mobile communication  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/29,07:20)
German telecom giant Siemens said recently it will invest US$1.5 billion in Asia?nd US$1 billion of this total in China.

Orient LegendMaker launches network security Web  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/29,07:18)
Orient LegendMaker (www.olm.com.cn) has formally put its CNS911 (www.cns911.com) network security online service into operation.

Firm launches country's first WAP system  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/29,07:12)
A Chinese company recently announced it has succeeded in developing the country? first wireless application protocol (WAP) mobile phone system.

China's second goat cloned by scientists  (Sichuan News,2000/06/26,09:37)
Chinese scientists have cloned a second goat from adult goat body cells, following the death of the world's first cloned goat 36 hours after its birth.

Shanghai to set up Internet pay phones  (Shanghai ABC,2000/06/24,07:33)
China's economic capital wants to make it easier to get online by setting up Internet-capable pay phones around the city.

eNet can't seem to find those PDAs  (ChinaOnline,2000/06/23,14:56)
China currently lags far behind other countries in its employment of personal digital assistant (PDA) devices that allow users to achieve wireless Internet access.

Langchao Group No 1 server in China  (Sichuan News,2000/06/23,12:56)

Unicom explores i-mode Internet  (Sichuan News,2000/06/23,12:53)
China Unicom, an emerging player in the telecommunications service sector, is planning to introduce a new mobile Internet service like what Japan's i-mode provides.

Evidence for water found on Mars  (Sichuan News,2000/06/22,16:17)
NASA scientists believe they have found evidence for water on the surface of Mars. If confirmed it will mark a turning point in our exploration of the red planet.

Intel delivers low-power chips  (Sichuan News,2000/06/21,07:10)
Intel Corp on Monday introduced five new computer chips for laptop computers touted as the best way to increase processing speeds while conserving power.

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2000/6/30 2000/6/29 2000/6/28 2000/6/27 2000/6/26 2000/6/25 2000/6/24 


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