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时间:2005年11月25日14:12  来源:广州电视台 热点排行】【推荐】【打印】【关闭
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免费最经典的幽默小段子 掌握第一手军事情报

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  Name of Entry: Big Family

  Country of Production:China

  Running Time:82 minutes

  Commentary Language:Guangxi dialect

  Year of Production:2005

  Date of First Release: Has not yet released

  Author:Huang Lingping、Zhu Shengwei

  Technical Advisor:Chen Haoming

  Company of Production: Guangxi Television Station, China

  Brief Synopsis:The family of the Zhou’s I s known to al lot many people in the village. Since 1775, the Zhou’s has experienced two times of flourishing in population –four generations living together. Being the master of a big family like that, Zhou Zhi ruled his family strictly following the handed-down “hereditary instruction”. He used to decide and act arbitrarily in the family. During the 80’s of last century, Zhou Zhi, made himself a rich man out of the others by running a brickyard. Later Zhou Zhi contracted for 20 hectares deserted hills to plant fruit. For many reasons, he ran into a debt of dozens of thousand Yuan, and the family therefore was set in great financial difficulty, following which, a series of latent family conflicts were also brought out. Not able to endure the bad temper of Zhou Zhi, his eldest daughter-in-law demanded to quit from the big family. To uphold the parents’ pride, the eldest daughter made herself trapped in an empty marriage which was arranged by her parents more than ten years ago. Unable to stick it any longer, the eldest daughter who had been considered more than obedient lighted the biggest explosion within the family. Quarrels frequently occurred between the couple of the second daughter during the days of planting fruits on the desert4ed hills. She showed her dissatisfaction to the husband’s being so incapable by running away from home. While the third daughter, the best educated one among the families, close a totally different way of living. For all the time, Zhou Zhi himself had been managing to keep the integrity of the big family. The love between families, couples and friends that rose from the family storms is really worth a taste with care.

  C.V. of Director(s):Lingping Huang worked for Guangxi Television Station as a documentary editor, director and photographer since 1983. His major works include “Lion Dancer”, “Road to the Second Life”, “Family Love”, “Living on the Terraced Field”, “Years We Came Through” and “The Last Migration”



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