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免费最经典的幽默小段子 掌握第一手军事情报

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  代表作品:〈〈在小汤山的日子〉〉获第三届中国世纪大采风金奖。〈〈最后一场演出〉〉获2003“中国·横店影视城杯”纪录片节银奖,第九届中国纪录片学术奖短片类三等奖。《老师 再见》入围法国FIPA国际电视节。

  Name of Entry: Goodbye, Teacher!

  Country of Production:China

  Running Time:57 min

  Commentary Language:Chinese

  Year of Production:8/2004

  Date of First Release:9/2004

  Author:Dan Nong

  Technical Advisor:Changming Hou

  Company of Production:Beijing Channel Zero Media & Production

  Brief Synopsis: Tan Meihua, 55 years old, chief class tutor of the Zhuangzhi Road Elementary School of Nanning City, is going to retire. She has devoted herself into the educational pursuit for thirty-two years and she has spent almost half of her life with those children under the special education program. Upon the completion of eight-year education, ten children of the 2nd special education class will graduate. Then they will have to leave Teacher Tan, who has been taking care of them as their mother. They will have to leave their simple happy school life and step into the complicated society. They will have to utilize all their knowledge and skills to feed their mouths. However, the intellectual levels of these intelligence disabled children will gradually degenerate with a growing age and few people are ready to employ an intelligence disabled people. These are the severe facts that the children may have to face. Tan Meihua worries about it very much. She wonders if these children are strong enough to stand for such difficulties without her thoughtful instruction, encouragement and accompany. Zou Youming, the one with the highest IQ and strongest capability in the class, are living with his mother. Upon graduation he has to run between the recruiting units and the school. Besides, his mother will have to receive a surgery for her eye disease. All of these have brought him unprecedented pressure. Nevertheless, he is confident with his future, for his teacher once told him, “ the society is watching at us”……

  CV of director:Dan Nong was born in 1977. Her majors were Drama Performance, Chinese Language Literature and Law. She joined the Feature Program Department of Nanning TV station in 1997 and worked as a reporter and hostess. Two year later, she was transferred to the News Department as a reporter and hostess. She became a writer and director at the Documentary Studio of Nanning TV station in September 2001.

  Dan Nong’s key representative works include “Days in Xiaotang Mountain” which was awarded a gold prize at the 3rd China Century Witness Awards. “The Last Performance” claimed silver prize at the Documentary Festival of the 2003 China Hengdian World Cup competition. It was also awarded a third prize at the 9th Chinese Documentary Academy Awards in the short film category. Her other film “Farewell My Teacher” entered the France FIPA International Television Festival.



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