2005年美国的人权纪录(9 全文完)
59 Fed: Minorities Pay More for Loans, USA Today,
Decr 14, 200560 The Employment Situation: Novr 2005, IssuedbyU.S. Department of Labor on Decr 2, 2005, in:https://www.bls.gov61The State Of Black America 2005, Issued byNational Urban League onApril 6, 2005, in: https://www.nul.org62Income Stable, Poverty RateIncrease, Percentage of AmericansWithout Health InsuranceUnchanged. Issued by U.S. Census Bureau onAugust 30,2005, in:https://www.census.gov63 The State Of BlackAmerica 2005, Issued byNational Urban League on April 6, 2005.in:https://www.nul.org64 HIVCases Among Blacks Show Decline Since2001,
The Washington Post, Novr 18,2005.65 A New Civil centersMovement,The New York Times, Decr 26, 2005.66 Years Have DoneLittle to HelpLocal Blacks, By Carla Rivera, in: Los Angeles Times,July 14,2005.67 [墨西哥]《千年报》(Milenio)2005年10月2日报道。 68 The State OfBlackAmerica 2005, Issued by National Urban League on April 6,2005,in:https://www.nul.org69 Misunderstandings Cloud DeathPenaltyFindings,
The Baltimore Sun, Decr 20, 200570 Study Notes Upswing inArrestsof Women, The Washington Post, October 24, 2005.71 HumancentersWatch: Scores of Muslim Men Jailed Without Charge,in:https://hrw.org/english/docs/2005/06/27/usdom11213-txt.htm72https://news.creaders.net/headline/newsPooL/28A260631.html73HateCrime-Crime In the United States 2004, Issued by FBI on October17,2005, in: https://www.fbi.gov/ucr/ucr.htm74 The State OfBlackAmerica 2005, Issued by National Urban League on April 6,2005, in:https://www.nul.org75 Snapshots of Current PoliticalLeadership,The
White House Project, in:https://www.thewhitehouseproject.org76Women in Elective Office 2005,Issued by Center for American Womenand Politics on Novr
2005, in: https://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/index.html77 WomeninNational Parliaments, Issued by Inter-Parliamentary Union,in:https://www.ipu.org/wmn_e/classif.htm78 Income, Poverty, andHealthInsurance Coverage
in the United States: 2004, Issued by U.S. Census
Bureau in August 2005, in:https://www.census.gov79https://www.npc.umich.edu/poverty80 City ofPasadena 2005 HomelessCount: Final Report, March 3, 2005,in:https://www.homeless-research.com81https://www.aidv_usa.com82National Domestic Violence AwarenessMonth, Hindustan Times,October 24, 2005.83 Crime in the UnitedStates, 2004, Issued by FBIon October 17,2005, in:https://www.fbi.gov/ucr/ucr.htm84 Update5:Military School SexualHarassment Persists, Associated Press,Decr 24, 200585 Nation’sPrison and Jail Population Grew by 932 PerWeek, Issued by U.S.Department of Justice
on April 24, 2005, in: https://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs86 Almost2,100Sexual Violence Incidents Took Place in the Nation’sCorrectionalFacilities During 2004, Issued by U.S. Department ofJustice on July31, 2005, in: https://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs87https://www.npc.umich.edu/poverty88 How ManyPeople ExperienceHomelessness, Issued by National Coalition for TheHomeless in June2005 , in: https://www.nationalhomeless.org89 Youngand Poor, USAToday Snapshots, Decr 12, 2005.90 The New York Times,Septr 6,2005.91 Weapons Offenses Rise in Md., Va .Schools, The
Washington Post, Decr 11, 2005.92 Calixto at a Crossroads,TheWashington Post, August 28, 2005.93 The Nation’s PrisonPopulationContinues Its Slow Growth. Issued by The Department ofJustice onOctober 23, 2005, in: https://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs94Human centersWatch: United States:Thousands of Children Sentencedto LifeWithout Parole,in:https://hrw.org/english/docs/2005/10/12/usdom11835-txt.htm.95Numberof Death Row Inmates Declined for Fourth Year During 2004.Issuedby U.S. Department
of Justice on Novr 13, 2005, in: http;//www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs96Jailed for Life After Crimes as Teenagers,The
New York Times, October 3,2005.97 Bush Puts Deaths of Iraqisat30,000, USA Today, Decr 13, 2005.98 路透社伊拉克拉马迪2005年8月13日电。99U.S.Citing Abuse in Iraqi Prisons, Holds Detainees, The New YorkTimes,Decr 25, 2005;New Reports Surface About Detainee Abuse,TheWashington Post, Septr 24, 2005.100 The Sunday Times, Decr30,2005.101 The New York Times, Novr 3, 2005.102 CIA HoldsTerrorSuspects in Secret Prison, The Washington Post, Novr 2,2005.103Rebellion Against Abuse, The Washington Post,
Novr 3, 2005.104 CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prison,TheWashington Post, Novr 2, 2005.105英国《星期日邮报》2005年12月4日报道,法国《费加罗报》(LeFigaro)2005年12月2日报道,德国《明镜》周刊2005年12月报道。