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  HONG Jianping

  Lecturer of Media Department of Beijing University of Physical Education

  Residence expert for Media Magazine

  Education Background:Communication Department, Communication University of China (2006);

  Advertisement Department, Communication University of China (2003)

  Research Interests:Media industry, new digital media, sports marketing and media

  Main Publications:The New Trend of Sports Marketing Communication; Star Promotion and Sports Marketing

  The existence of commercial elements makes it inevitable phenomenon that the struggle between sports organizition and sports TV station for broadcasting rights. As an industry, the instinct of profit-chasing will be bond to drive itself to take advantage of any resource, including market and administration. For the sports institution and sports TV of China, they will adapt themselves to market with the process of economic marketization.The sports TV of china faces with both challenge and opportunity: after China's entry to WTO, international media group will expedite penetrating internal entertainment and sports program market. Together with the industrialization of media in China, local sports TV having showed the strength to compete with CCTV in local market. The reform of Chinese broadcasting media will focus on seeking for new finances resources, and DTV will provide sports TV of China a god-given chance.

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热点标签:章子怡 春运 郭德纲 315 明星代言 何智丽 叶永烈 吴敬琏 暴风雪 于丹 陈晓旭 文化 票价 孔子 房价

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