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Raymond BOYLE

  Raymond BOYLE

  Senior Lecturer in Cultural and Media Policy Centre for Cultural Policy Research

  University of Glasgow

  Education Background:

  BA (Hons 1st) Media/History, University of Ulster,1988

  MA Communications Studies by Research, Dublin City University, 1990

  PhD University of Stirling, 1996

  Research Interests:Film & Media Studies

  Main Publications:Sports Journalism: Context and Issues

  Football in the New Media Age

  Sports Journalism and Communication:

  Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Media Age

  Raymond BOYLE

  This paper will examine how sports journalism is changing in the age of digital media. As the political, economic and cultural importance of the sports industries continues to increase how journalism has reacted to this new environment? This research will outline some of the key challenges faced by those working in those communications industries associated with journalism and sport. How is the rise of online journalism changing existing print and broadcast sports journalism practice? To what extent is the increasing 24/7 media news agenda altering the nature of journalism about sports? Does the rise of user generated content signal the end of more traditional forms of journalistic practice?

  The paper also looks at how major sporting organisations and corporations are changing their media strategies in the digital media era of sports and examines some of the implications of these changes for sports journalism in general and sports journalists in particular. It will also argue that many of the issues faced by journalists working in sport are also evident in a range of other areas of journalism and these are often driven by the broader forces of globalisation, digitisation and marketisation which are restructuring many media industries and their journalism.

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热点标签:章子怡 春运 郭德纲 315 明星代言 何智丽 叶永烈 吴敬琏 暴风雪 于丹 陈晓旭 文化 票价 孔子 房价

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