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ON, Ki hong

  ON, Ki hong

  China Correspondent for The Electronic Times(Daily), VOA(Voice of America), CBS(Christian Broadcasting System),EBS(Education Broadcasting System), IT Today, G-economy21, Tech Times, ORA news

  Education Background:

  2007.8 ~ Ph.D course of Journalism & Communication School of Peking University

  2005.8 ~ 2007.7 M.S. of Journalism School of Renmin Univ. of China

  1988.3 ~ 1992.2 B.A. of Arts of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

  Research Interests: Journalism & Communication, Media Convergence, Inter-cultural Communication, Internet News, Sports Communication

  Main Publications:Research on the Change of Internet News Dissemination Structure by Blog Technology

  “World Cup Marketing”-Case of South Korea

  ON Ki hong

  The general consumer goods different from nation-led marketing whosemajor sales targets are industries, resources and the economy,aiming toto build national wealth. World Cup is not only the best opportunity to publicize and enhance the country's image, but a world-class brand marketing feast as well.

  To fully utilize the 2006 World Cup in Germany and successfully enter the European market, Ministry of Industry and Resources of South Korea hosted "South Korean World Cup goods exhibition," held exports fairs and unfold marketing development activities in terms of the World Cup.

  The different media industries, such as, South Korean TV station, satellite DMB broadcasting and the Internet, through cooperation and competition, started their own marketing.

  The World Cup marketing strategies of South Korean corporations are as follows: 1, patriotic marketing. 2, "Again 2002" marketing. 3, Red marketing. Korean supporters " Red United" has become a symbol of Korean soccer. 4, street marketing.

  Hyundai launched a corporate positive image advertising and products promotional advertising during the World Cup around the globe, and provided Hyundai automobiles to the organizing committee of the hosting country. Hyundai got a total of 7 trillion won of advertising revenue in the World Cup group match and the match of 16 top.

  Samsung Electronics promoted brand marketing using new technology, such as, DMB, 3G mobile phone and launched the first terrestrial DMB in Europe, for receiving 2006 World Cup, with the German mobile operators (Debitel).

  Experts predict 2006 World Cup will bring about 20 trillion Korean Won economic benefits for South Korea.

  During the 2006 World Cup, South Korean Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB) live assumed a commercial service role, namely on the basis of 2006 World Cup.

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